Chapter 10-Caught.

Start from the beginning

"You ready to go, Ni?" Harry asked, smirking at him. Harry knew he was turning Niall on with what he was doing, just the lust that was showing in Niall's eyes.

Niall cleared his throat, "Yeah, I'm ready," He started walking to the door, as Harry picked up Niall's bag and draping it over his shoulder. Harry followed Niall to the entrance, saying goodbye to Sabrina.

Niall was just about to walk out the automatic doors, but he got pinned up against the wall inside the hospital by Harry. "I want a kiss first. I can't show too much affection out in public and I don't want to wait until I get home," Harry whispered in Niall's ear, huskily.

Niall shivered, as he felt Harry's breathe against his neck. He brought Harry's face in front of his and slammed his lips against Harry's. Their lips moved in sync. Harr swiped his tongue across Niall's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Niall opened his mouth, feeling Harry's tongue invade his.

They pulled away from their snog, panting like dogs, "Happy?" Niall smiled at his boyfriend.

"I am now," Harry whispered, "Now, c'mon. We got to go before the boys worry about us being gone so long,"

They walked to the car and drove home. The drive home was just the both of them singing along to the radio. They turned the radio up when they heard their cover of Blondie's 'One Way or Another,' come on.

"One way or another I'm gonna see ya

I'm gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha

One way or another I'm gonna win ya

I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha"

Niall and Harry sang the ending chorus together, really loud.

"One way or another!" Harry finishing off the ending line at the end, as they pulled up in the driveway. Harry turned off the engine and they both looked at each other, cracking up laughing.

"That was the best!" Niall laughed, as he got out of the car. Harry did the same and locked the car. They both giggled, as they walked inside the house.

"I'm home!" Niall called out. Harry closed the door and plonked Niall's bag near it. There was a thunder of footsteps running down the stairs, Niall knew it was the boys.

"Niall!" Louis, Liam and Zayn screamed as they all engulfed him in a hug. Niall smiled at them, he missed all the boys and it was great to finally see them out of hospital.

"We missed you buddy!" Zayn said as the hug tightened. "Yeah, it wasn't the same without you," Liam smiled.

Louis looked over at Harry, who was standing there watching the boys having the group hug. He was worried that they were hurting Niall but he just let them hug him because they haven't seen him in a while.

Louis grabbed Harry's wrist, but didn't realise that it was the injured wrist. Harry yelped, snatching his arm away. The boys broke away from their hug and looked at Harry and Louis curiously. Niall was especially worried, did something happen to his Harry?

Louis gave Harry an apologetic look and Harry smiled at him, saying 'it's alright.' He rubbed his sore wrist. "You alright, babe?" Niall asked, stepping closer to Harry.

The boys already knew that Harry and Niall were now a couple. They gave the both of them a hug and a congratulations. Zayn even yelled 'I knew it! I knew Narry was real all along.' So Liam, Zayn and Louis were happy for them.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Harry smiled, but Niall knew it was fake. He could see right through it, he knew something was going on with him but he just didn't want to push it and just left it.

"Look, dinner will be ready in a few. Get cleaned up and everything," Liam sighed, as he walked into the kitchen with Louis, Zayn and Niall following.

Niall looked back at Harry, "You coming?" He asked, softly. Niall was now really worried about Harry, he knew there was something going on with him.

"You go ahead, I'll be there soon. Need to just clean myself up first." Harry smiled again, as he watched Niall sigh and walked through the Kitchen door.

Harry ran upstairs to his room, closing his door behind him. He shrugged his jacket off and saw the blood seeping through the bandages. Harry hissed at the stinging, taking off the bandage. Louis had accidentally opened up the cuts again. Louis had grabbed Harry's wrist to tight which is why it was like this.

As Harry rummaged through his draws and finally found a bandage, he wiped the blood away with tissues.

Harry had no time putting the bandage on when his bedroom door opened.

"Harry, you alri-?" Niall started but stopped when he saw Harry's cuts.

Harry knew that he was finally caught.



Booom! Niall found out that Harry had cut. What do you think is going to happen? What do you think Niall's going to do? 

I put a bit of Narry fluff in here for all you Narry Shippers! Hehehe. I love Narry so much. :3

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And Look at the video on the side. It's sooooo cute! ---------------->

Also everyone, I love your comments. I like encouragement and everything. It makes me want to write more and more chapters for you guys! x


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