"I dunno just to say hi...so, hi! Now bye!"

  Before I could say anything I heard a long tone of the phone hanging up. I laughed and shook my head as I closed my cellphone.

  Riiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggggg riiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg

  "Not again..." I sighed, then answered the phone, "Hey Yami."

  "Hey, do you want to go on a double date with me and Yugi, I called Bakura and he said he'd love to if you could?" Yami asked.

  "When?" I asked.


  "Why not?" I laughed.

  "Okay, don't mention it to Yugi, I want it to be a surprise, he thinks we're just hanging out, but actually we're all going to a fancy dinner." Yami explained.

  "Aww how sweet Yami! That sounds awesome! I'll definitely be there, aww Yugi'll love that!" I squealed.

  Yami chuckled, "Alrighty then, well see you at school tomorrow."

  "K, buhbyes." I giggled, then hung up. I walked over to my beanie bag and plopped into it's comfyness and sighed. I guess I was popular today to have that many calls.


  "Really?" I asked, then sighed and answered, "Hello? Who is this?"

  "Are you coming to the party?" A female voice said.

  "What party? I haven't heard of any party, who is this?" I asked.

  "Oh sorry, wrong number." the girl on the other line said then hung up.

  I sighed annoyedly and put my face in my hands. I resolved to just turn off my phone, and so I did, then went out to take a walk. I put on a sweater then walked to the front door yelling a goodbye to my parents and telling then that I was going for a walk.

the next day:

  Yes, of course I came back from the walk before today. There just wasn't much to say about it, it was just a walk to help me think and relax a little bit. Then basically all I did the rest of the day was draw and work on the story I'm writing about my life. My life's interesting enough...too bad if I get it published I won't be able to say it's true, because there's too much weird stuff that normal people wouldn't believe. Ah well, it's sorta fun to write, I get to write about all my friends and the stuff that's going on...good thing I've had a lot of unimportant days lately so I can catch up from all the past important days.

  So this morning is just as any school morning, get ready and go. But as I'm driving to school my phone rings, I had turn it on again before I went to bed last night, and so I sigh as I have to wait till it's over, dur I'm driving, gotta focus on the road.

  "Hey Mira!" Kasai shouted excitedly as she saw me walk up.

  "Hey!" I laughed as she attacked me with a hug.

  Kasai let go of me and started jumping up and down excitedly, "Guess what guess what guess whatttt????"

  "What?" I laughed.

  "I now get to eat lunch in a special place, and bring friends along, so I can do whatever without disrupting other students...because I guess according to the principal is my habit and he doesn't want to have to suspended me for being me hehe." Kasai giggled, and gave an adorable wink.

  I laughed, "Of course."

  "Oh yeah and they said there's anopther girl there, they said not to bug her...but you know me, I never listen." Kasai giggled.

  I sighed and smiled, "Of course you don't."

  "Well come on, everybody's waiting for you!" Kasai then dragged me to go see everyone.


  "Come on come on come on!" Kasai exclaimed, jusping up and down excitedly and leading us to 'the special place' to eat lunch.

  "Calm down, it's not that big of a deal." Atisuto laughed.

  "Yeah but it's new, and it's specially for me! It must be fancy!" Kasai giggled.

  "I doubt that." Akira laughed.

  Kasai stuck out her tongue at Akira then ran up to a door at one of the buildings, "WE'RE HERE!" she squealed, then threw open the door.

  We all walked in and looked around the room. It was a boring dull grey room with a simple large black table and grey plastic chairs. There was nobody in the room, apart from a redhead sitting in the very corner of the room in a desk.

  Kasai looked around and tilted her head sideways, blinked, smiled then nodded, "It's perfect!" With that she took out her rainbow fire.

  "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Atisuto shouted, then tried to hide the fire but her hands just went straight through it.

  "I just wanted to use it to liven up the room..." Kasai whined, her flame flickering and growing slightly smaller.

  Akira looked sideways at the redhead at the corner of the room, "Is she even alive?"

  Kasai looked at the girl in the corner, then at Atisuto, then at the table, giggled and threw her fire at the table. A flame escaped and seemed to set the table on fire, but it soon disapeared leaving a neon green table of the same shape and style where the black table had been, and the chairs were now neon blue.

  "KASAI!" Atisuto yelled.

  Kasai just giggled and kept throwing flames everywhere, of course the flames always returned to the fire, but they left everything in different colors. Kasai didn't realize that when she threw a flame at one of the walls, planning to make it blue, Bakura was standing right there. He fell to his knees and started clawing at his eyes for some reason.

  "Bakura!" I shrieked.

  Bakura started screaming and kept clawing at his eyes.


  "What did you do to him!?" I screamed.

  Bakura stopped screaming and clawing, he just fell over onto his side and relaxed a little, but was breathing hard.

  "Bakura?" i asked weakly, tears filling my eyes.

  He took his hands away from his eyes, they were closed. He slowly opened them and they were bright blue. The most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. "Mira?" Bakura asked uncertainly.

  "Are you alright?" I asked.

  "I can....but you look blurry..." Bakura mummbled, and blinked a few times.


  Bakura shut his eyes tight and opened them again and the happiest smile I had ever seen appeared on his lips, "I can see you."

  "WHAT!?" everyone asked in unision, except the girl in the corner who didn't even seem to be alive.

  Bakura laughed, "I can see you again, I can see you all!"

  "Oh my god...OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed, and hugged Bakura tight just as he sat up, "I'm so happy, I missed you're eyes so much!" I let the tears fall down my cheeks, but not for worry, but for happiness.

  The girl in the corner turned to look at us, and screeched as she saw the colored walls. You see, we didn't know it yet, but she was colorblind. And for that she hated color. The only color she had ever seen was her red hair, which to her looked grey like the rest of the room used to be. But now the colors were making her dizzy, so she paniced.

  Well there goes that touching moment.

The life of Mira and the yugioh gang (contains puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now