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Ellyn slowly turned the corner onto Gropecunt Lane slinging a small pack onto her back. At the front of each building four soldiers were standing to make sure the only way people could get in or out was through the front door.
Ellyn quickly hid in the alley before she was seen. She checked to make sure she was alone and started to climb. Almost all buildings in the city were covered in decorative notches. This made thievery easier. As she hit the second level Ellyn slowly scoot over to the nearest window. Thank the heavens, she said silently. And she slid the open window and nimbly leaped from the ledge into the bakery.
As Ellyn hit the floor she heard a low rumbling. In the center of the room was a large cage with a pacing tiger inside.
"The stupidest tradition of them all." Ellyn grumbled as she opened her pack. She then pulled out a large strip of raw meat and flung it into the cage. The tiger quieted and feasted on the treat. When she was satisfied the tiger was content she walked to the door and cautiously opened the door hoping it wouldn't creak. Then after making sure the coast was clear she stalked down the hallway to the stairs that she knew led to the shop.

. . .

"You got lucky, Ellyn," said Ryia, looking serious. "Right as you left a new batch of soldiers arrived....... we're doomed!" She paused. "Maybe we could go job hunting."
"It's going to be okay, Ryia," Ellyn replied with a smile. "But getting a job is not the answer."
"Why?" Ryia questioned.
"Because I'm a Hilevanyain....... I thought you knew that. People from other countries aren't hired. Ellyn scolded. "That's why I have to live like this. Don't you think I hate it? Don't you think that if I had a choice I would have a job..... an education....... a life?"
"I..... I thought....." stammered Ryia.
"I will find a way," Ellyn asserted. "I will.........."

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