More Than Colleauges

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It's going to get better after this XD I promise. And, for those of you who think cats can't jog...they can...I did my research XD


“A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.” - Lois Wyse


I wake up to the ringing of my phone. Picking it up, I speak groggily into the mouthpiece, “Hello?” I listen to the voice on the other line. “Steven?” I reply to its cheery greeting, “You do know what time it is, right?”

“Yeah!” He replies enthusiastically, “Just a little bit after nine. I know you normally get up at eight on weekends, so I decided I'd phone an hour after you would be up, so I wouldn't wake you. Did I? I’m surprised. It has been years since you were up after nine-“ he pauses, realization sinking in, “Oh- I wasn’t thinking about time zones. It’s after nine here in Vegas, but it must be what, around six there?”

“Yeah,” I reply, unimpressed. I rub my eyes and get up, heading to the kitchen. King falls off the bed when I drag the blanket with me. He gets up grumpily and trots to the living room to lounge on the couch.

Once I reach the kitchen, I put a pot of water on to boil for some tea. I pour some water in a glass and chug it.

“So, what’s up?” I ask, putting the phone on speaker. While Steven speaks to me, I start to put the contents of my shake in the blender.

“I was just phoning to talk with you. It seems like ages since the last time.”

“It nearly has been,” I reply, turning the blender on. When my shake is finished blending and the blender has stopped roaring, Steven speaks again.

“What was that?” he asked.

“I’m making a shake,” I reply.

“Oh. Yum! What kind?”

“Just a regular breakfast one. It has oatmeal, protein powder, vanilla, almond milk, coconut yogourt, and some berries.”

“Nice! Still vegan? I would have figured as much.”

“Yeah! You?”

“Mhm,” Steven answers, “Father told me you got a job at the BAU.”

“I did!” Steven and I are cousins. He is Uncle’s son. We spent a lot of time with each other as kids, and when we were teenagers, we went vegan together. We have been ever since.

“How is it?”

“I’ve only really been on the job for a week, but it is nice; stressful, but still enjoyable. Well, about as enjoyable as serial murders can be.”

“Oh, hey!” Steven suddenly exclaims, just as I sit down with my tea and shake, “What are you doing this Christmas?”

“Staying at home and unwrapping kitty presents with King.”

“You still have him? He’s around eight now, right?”

“Yup! Any ways, Christmas, Steve, you have a problem with getting sidetracked.”

“Right! If you aren’t doing anything, Jess and I thought you could come out and spend it with us. You can bring King if you want, I’m sure he’ll get along with Sandy. She’s pretty friendly for an old cat, y'know. Dad might be coming too.”

“I’d love to!” I declare, “Too bad we have to wait a whole two months.”

“I know! It’s a bummer! Maybe you should quit your job and come live with me in Vegas,” he jokes.

Great Minds Think Alike (A Criminal Minds Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now