I wrote my part as I felt his stare. Occasionally I would sneak a peak and he would spot me, as I frowned acting to think about what to write, even bite my lower lip, sometimes lick my lips as if it was dry, and behave as if I never noticed him staring at me. But personally, I found it very creepy, like some stalker or somebody. Finally the prick gave out a loud sigh as if he was bored. I finished my writing, and he gave me his notes to check. I went through and found it correct. It was well written as well. I would hex Snape if he didn't give us an O on this. I gave back his notes.

"What do we do now?" I asked. Though I knew, that if he didn't answer, then I'd pack up and go to the lab. I had to research and find a modification for the Wolfsbane Snape had given me. And if he's brewing that potion, it's clear that there's a werewolf in Hogwarts. But who? I have no idea! It could be anybody...

"We have to write an essay about it, and make the bloody potion." He said. I mentally rolled my eyes, dude, I have the essay secretly ready. And the potion I'll brew it tomorrow at early morning. And then you see you idiot, how I don't need you... I pretended to write the bloody essay as we occasionally talked, mainly pointing out the error of framing the potions, or how idiotic the project was. The scoundrel sighed again.

"Come on I'll treat you to some butterbeer." He said. At this I eyed him skeptically. I had many reasons to do so. He was the new chap and sorted into Slytherin. I had no such prejudice against Slytherins, like my twin sister and my gang. But, I found this boy a downright creepy, who turned up at unexpected times, and surprised me making me think whether he was stalking me all this time. But I had my wand with me. I had my own secrets to help me survive. So I'd go.

"Alright" I said. We went to Hogsmeade and went to the Three Broomsticks and ordered a butterbeer. We sat silently for some time, and for some unknown reason it was a comfortable silence between us.

"So...." Began the prat. "Tell me about your family. I know that you're a mudblood......" he said stopping himself.

"You're calling me. You're safe, but call my muggleborn sister and my friends that, and I will not hesitate to make your life worse that living hell." I threatened him in a serene manner. "My parents are muggles. They knew my sister and I, were special, especially me, since my magic started kicking in before hers. And then, when we received our letters, the hat put her into Gryffindor. But it took it's own sweet time in my case, and nearly sorted me into two other houses, before sorting me into Gryffindor. What about yours?"

"My parents are purebloods, and from Bulgaria. My mother is a French though, and they had me." I nodded. Somehow my brain told me he was hiding something, and I would find out what it was.

"So what are your favourite subjects." He said.

"Everything" I said. "There is no such subject that I hate. What about yours?" I asked.

"Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts." He said. I nodded my head. We sat silently, occasionally sipping our butterbeer.

"There's some out here" he said as he pointed to his upper lips...

"Must be the foam, what's the big deal" I said as I took out my handkerchief and wiped it off. I saw a certain disheartening in his face. Whatever...

"Why do you keep..............you know.............staring at me?" I asked.

"You're mysterious. I find you interesting, and want to discover and reveal all the mysterious things, in every way possible." He replied. He and his sexual innuendoes. "Why?"

"It's creepy." I said.

"May I ask you something?" he said.

"Fire away" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Why do you hate me?" he asked. "I mean, what have I done wrong?"

"I don't hate you, but I don't like you either." I said. Oh but you do honey said my inner voice. Shut up! 

"And you find out what you've done wrong." With that I got up finishing the butterbeer. I pulled out some galleons as he went to pay. "Sorry Mortev, but I only allow my serious boyfriends to pay for me. And we're not on some date. So I'll pay for my drink." With that I lay the cheque and went out. I turned. "Coming Mortev, or you wanna sleep out here?" I said. he followed me and went to escort me to the Gryffindor common room. As he turned a little I sneaked into a secret corridor and changed into a , and sneaked off in the secret corridor leading to the research lab.

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