The ambulance

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The sun burnt my eyes as it found it's way through the window, I looked around to find an empty bed "where is he" I asked myself as I looked over at my phone to find that it was 1:00 in the afternoon "shit" I whispered to myself before I got up and walked down stairs I looked around every where when I finally decided that I would go outside to see if he was there
' but it's cold ' I thought to myself, I finally brought myself to open the door when I stepped outside I saw Luke laying by the pool with blood across his chest "Luke" I yelled picking up the pace in my steps "Luke" I yelled again running over to him, once I reached him my stomach turned "cameron" I yelled dropping to my knees as I stared at Luke with tears in my eyes I lifted Luke's hand trying to find a pulse and I found one "cameron" I yelled again "call an ambulance" I yelled "why what for" cameron asked walking out the door "cameron call one now" I yelled sternly "why" he asked "cameron open your eyes and fucking call one" I yelled as tears flowed out of my eyes "hello I need an ambulance " cameron said into the phone "hurry up" I yelled as I held Luke in my arms his blood getting on my shirt "it's going to be ok" I whispered rocking back and forth, tears falling onto his face "there on their way" cameron told me looking at me with sadness I looked back at him and cried even more "it's going to be ok Luke I promise" I whispered as I said this Connor and Ricky came outside "hey guys what's up" Ricky said when he saw Luke in my arms he gaged "oh my god" Connor said turning aroun gas grabbing his stomach "cam" I said as he crouched down "yeah" he replied "get my phone please" I asked him he nodded and went inside.

he soon came back out side with my phone and handed it to me I called jai "hello" I herd his voice say "get the boys and get over here right now" I said crying "ok be there in a sec" he said and with that he hung up "the boys are coming" I whispered to Luke putting my forehead on his. I herd a knock at the door "go open it" I ordered cameron he did as he was told, all the boys bolted out the back and saw Luke "what happened" beau said kneeling down "I don't know" I said crying even more "fuck" I herd jai yell I turned around and saw him punching the wall "beau come here and hold Luke's head" I ordered beau we soon swapped positions when I walked over to jai "jai come here" I told jai, he soon stopped punching the wall and came over to me, he looked at me with sadness "it's going to be ok" I said as I hugged him tight he hugged me back and that's when I herd the doorbell ring "the ambulance" I exclaimed I bolted to the door and opened it to see two men standing there in uniforms "this way" I said running back to Luke "he has multiple stab wounds" one of them said "we need to take him to the hospital and we can operate there" one of them said to me I nodded and asked if I could go with them in the ambulance they said yes

In the ambulance

I was holding Luke's hand just whispering "it's going to be ok" every now and again "ok so do you know what happened" the lady asked politely "no.. I was asleep and then I woke up looking for him but I couldn't find him until I went outside then I saw him by the pool with blood every where" I said looking at Luke, a slight smile came upon my face "so you have no idea what happened" she asked "no" I said looking back up to her.

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