I felt a bit queasy after those thoughts and shook my head at the eggs after a couple bites. "What is it? Not done enough?" He asked sitting forward a bit.

"My stomach." I said waving that off and just as the feeling went away it came back full force and I ran into the house and puked in the kitchen sink.

"Hey Aaron, are you okay?" I heard Reese as I cupped water in my hands and brought it to my face.

"No. I had maybe 3 bites of eggs and came in here to puke it up. And I have a check up." I mumbled before taking water into my mouth and swishing it around.

"We are going to go to that check up early." Greyson stated coming in with Heidi on his hip again.

"No, I can wait another 20 minutes." I said holding up my hand before straightening out.

"No, you won't. Get a jacket as well." He told me before turning towards the stairs.

"Does he always order people around or is it just me?" I grumbled and leaned against the counter.

"It's him. It's the enforcer in him. He ordered around the boys like they are recruits, some of them hate him for it. He is still transitioning. It's a long process. Or so Ian's dad says. His father went through the same thing when he came to the pack." Reese mentioned and I felt a little confused.

So not only did Greyson join to make his dad proud he joined because it was his father's profession.

"Let's go, we have 15 minutes before we get there." He shouted coming down the stairs with a jacket and waving me forward. "Put it on." He ordered and I just about cracked.

"No, it is hot outside and getting hotter by the minute." I said and walked past him and towards the front door when he caught my arm and tugged on it before making the jacket sleeve roll onto my arm. "I don't need a nanny to take care of me. I am not a child and I will not be treated as one. Am I clear? I don't want to wear a jacket. I don't want to be ordered around. I am not that kind of woman. Got it?" I snapped and threw the jacket off of my arm and throwing it at his face.


"Reese, can I borrow one of the pack cars? I have an appointment I need to get to." I cut him off and looked to the Luna who had just entered the room per my shouting.

"Of course, but-"

"I'll be fine, thank you Luna." I smiled at her and then turned to get one of the van keys and then jogged to the garage, hit the beeper and got in. I cracked my knuckles and started the van only for my door to be jerked open and Greyson to be standing there.

"Get out of the van Aaron." He ground out reaching in and undoing my belt.

"Leave me alone Greyson." I ground out right back and reaching to put it back on but he grabbed my arm and twisted just enough so I knew it would hurt if he did it a little more and then growled.

"Get out of the van." He ordered again, this time something else filling the tone of his voice.

"I can drive myself." I told him as he pulled just a bit and I stumbled out of the van.

"But you won't, because I am driving you. And then we are going to your fathers house to get the rest of your things that didn't burn in the fire and then coming back here."

"You know, you have control issues." I told him and tried to pull my arm free again but he tightened his hold but luckily didn't move it so it would hurt.

"I have a schedule."

"And me going by myself puts it at risk, I see." I muttered and rolled my eyes.

Changed(Book 3 of The Athens Wolves Series) [complete]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя