Chapter Five

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Rio's POV

The bell signaling second period rang. Rio walked out of the room, not waiting for Alice Grace to catch up. She didn't need her science partner to scold her for never entering the contest. Rio walked through the hallway with her head held high. She waved at everyone who smiled and politely said hello to the students who needed the extra smile.

As Rio settled into her daily routine, across the school, Oz slammed his locker with more force than necessary. Andre Black flinched at the sound.

"Are you okay?" Andre asked Oz, who was walking down the hallway with more swagger than normal.

"Yeah," replied Oz. "I'm fine. Why?"

Andre shrugged. "You just seem so... happy today. What happened? Did Rio talk to you?"

"No. Well, yeah. I guess. I don't know," Oz stuttered. "Kind of. Maybe. She just showed up on my porch with food like she always does. And maybe I asked her out...?"

"What?!" Andre was impressed. "What'd she say?"

"She said no," sighed Oz. "But then Mom told me I had to talk to her more. I had to be her friend more."

"Really?" Andre asked.

"Yeah," replied Oz. "Strange, isn't it?"

"Totally strange," agreed Andre.

Oz hit Andre's arm. "Look! There she is! What should I do?"

Andre almost chuckled. He thought it was so cute his best friend had a crush on the human girl. If Andre wasn't set on mating a Were, he would trail after Rio Sanchez too. It made Oz upset that Andre spent a lot more time with Rio than he did. But Andre did volunteer at the soup kitchen the same times and days that Rio did. It shouldn't have surprised Oz when feelings of jealousy sprouted in his chest whenever he remembered Andre was closer to Rio than he was.

"I don't know, man," replied Andre, as Rio walked closer and closer with every step she took. "Try saying hello."

Oz nodded and cleared his throat. His eyes watched Rio walk closer. He put his hand up in a little wave and said, "H— Hey, Rio."

Startled by the sudden and unexpected greeting from her rude next-door neighbor, Rio almost choked on her spit. She quickly recovered and hesitantly replied with "Hey?"

She was so confused. Did Oz de la Vega just say hey to me?

Hey loves!

Oz said hello to Rio! What is going on in this story!?

I have no idea. Don't even ask me.

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Bye loves!

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