Rose Ashton

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This one is @WeAreMadeOfStars OC! Sorry to @WeAreMadeOfStars if the character is not like you imagined. Also sorry to anyone who's OC I might not get to, I probably won't be able to do them all, but I'll try, I promise! Also, please don't kill me before you finish the chapter! Percy and Annabeth may be OOC. Sorry.

Rose Ashton
I watched my arrow sink deep into the center of the red bulls-eye in the middle of the target. I then turned to the people behind me and they were staring at me in awe. That was my tenth straight bulls-eye in 10 seconds. If you haven't guessed already, I'm a daughter of Apollo. I tucked a stray piece of my red hair behind my ear as I comically bowed and curtsied while people applauded.

As I walked through the departing crowd, wanting only to get to my cabin and lie down in bed, I heard a slow clap next to my ear. I swiveled and standing there was the one and only Percy Jackson. He was a son of Poseidon, and a good friend of mine. He was quite good-looking, but I had a boyfriend whom I loved very much and he had a girlfriend, so I didn't like him like that.

"Would you like to see my amazingness again? The shows are at 10, 1, 5, and 7, you just saw the 1 o'clock show," I told him. He laughed and shook his head as if to say, 'oh my gods, you are crazy'.

"Practice times?" He asked.

"Yup! And when I'm teaching lessons." He muttered something I couldn't hear.

"What?" I questioned.

"I said, such a show off!" I laughed, knowing he was kidding. We were really good friends. He had been my only friend at the beginning when I got to camp, right after the war. We were the same age too, 17, and we were both sarcastic and funny troublemakers, so we hit it off quickly and became friends.

"Well, I gotta go Rosie, Annabeth's waiting," he said, giving me a high five. I saw Annabeth waiting by the beach, looking at the water. At first I think she was threatened by my friendship with Percy, but now she was fine and we were kind of friends.

"Have fun! But not too much fun......." I said, winking at him. Of course Annabeth chose this moment to turn around and icily glared at me with her steel gray eyes. Annabeth could be really freakin' scary when she wanted to be.

I don't know what made me do it, but all of a sudden, I lurched forwards and threw my arms around Percy's neck. I smashed my lips to his and started kissing him. He didn't stop me. He just kissed back. Annabeth and my boyfriend, Danny, a boy from Demeter, stared at us in awe and horror. I saw them looking but I didn't stop. It was like I couldn't control myself. Annabeth and Jake ran over and pulled us apart before the kissing escalated and too many people saw.

"Rose, Percy, what the hell?!?" Annabeth exclaimed, so much anger and hate in her eyes, which were filled with tears.

"I thought you loved me," Annabeth muttered to Percy. A tear leaked out and ran down her face. Why would I do something like that? It felt like I wasn't even in control of my body. I would NEVER have done something like that. I loved Danny and Percy definitely loved Annabeth. I mean, he fell into Tartarus to be with her.

"I do love you. With all my heart."

"Then why? Why would you do this? Why? Why right in front of me? What did I do wrong?" Annabeth was sobbing by now and sprinted off to the beach.

Oh no. A Percabeth break-up was the last thing we needed.
Percy raced after Annabeth. Danny stepped up and looked at me. Uh oh.

"You knew Percy and Annabeth were together. Who doesn't know that? And I thought you were my girlfriend," he said.

"I know. I.....just, I don't know what happened. It felt like someone else was controlling me."

I would have said more, but I was interrupted my a high-pitched shriek from behind the rocks to my left. Danny and I walked over and sitting there was the one and only, Queen of Annoyance, Drew Tanaka. She had a little girl, probably only about 9, probably her sister, sitting next to her and they both were pressed up against the rock squealing and screaming. I looked at the ground in front of them, and sitting there was a tiny ladybug.
I picked it up and put it softly on one of the green leaves on the bush next to me. This just made them scream more.

"It's a ladybug. They're so cute!" I said, turning to them.

"What are you doing her Drew? Shouldn't you be in your cabin doing your hair and make up and being all Aphrodite's daughter ish?" Danny asked, clearly annoyed that she had interrupted out important conversation.

"What I was doing here was none of your business. I was just causing trouble between couples, which is 'Aphrodite's daughter ish'," she said loudly.

A lightbulb went off in my head. Drew was a daughter of Aphrodite. Aphrodite was the goddess of love. Drew had powers that had to do with love. Which means they had to do with kissing. Which means they had to do with me kissing my friend without wanting or meaning to. I pulled Danny away and he had the same look of realization in his eyes.

"I knew I could trust you," he said, running his fingers down the jagged scar on my pale face and then over my freckles. I had gotten that scar from a quest. It was a time I'd rather not remember.

Danny leaned in and I met him halfway. I kissed him and I could feel sparks, even though we'd been together for months already. I loved him so much. Love. True love. I pulled away quickly and ran off towards the beach, stopping once to turn and laugh at the expression on Danny's face. He chased after me. I found Annabeth sitting on the sand with the tips of her toes touching the water. Small waves lapped up on the sand, making a pretty and calm noise.

Annabeth turned and her tear streaked face was enough to make me want to cry too. I felt so bad, if I had just been stronger and not have followed Drew's controlling thingy, none of this would have happened. Annabeth Chase was one of the strongest people I had ever known. If she was crying, sobbing, with such a broken and betrayed look in her eyes, she must be really really, well, broken and betrayed. And sad.

"I don't want to see you. Or talk to you. Leave me alone. Go hang out with my ex-boyfriend and apparently your other boyfriend. What? Danny wasn't enough? True love wasn't enough for you, Rose? What else is better?" She was yelling by the end.

"Well, if you really want to know....." I started. Then I cursed myself. Not a time for sarcasm, Rose!

"Nothing is better. It's amazing. And you and Percy have the strongest bond of love I've ever seen. But even some powers can over power true love. It was Drew, Annabeth. She manipulated me and Percy and made me feel like I was attracted to him and vice versa. I doubt she'll ever do it again, since her mom will just about kill her for breaking you two up. He loves you, Annabeth. And you love him. So go, talk to him," I said.
Her face filled with realization.

"Oh my gods, I'm so stupid. What if he doesn't forgive me? What if I've broken off the best thing in my life? What if I..." I stopped her.

"Go, Annabeth. Don't worry about 'what if's.' He'll forgive you. I promise." She stood up quickly and started sprinting. After a few feet, she pivoted and ran towards me. She hugged me tightly and said,

"Thank you. I'm sorry about anything I either thought or said about you. You're a really nice person, and I hope we become better friends."

"Me too!" I grinned at her. She smiled back and started running towards the Poseidon cabin.

"Nice work," Danny complimented as I approached him.

"Let's see if it actually works," I mumbled. Hand in hand, we walked towards Cabin 3. When we got there, the door was wide open and I saw Percy standing in the middle of the cabin with Annabeth's legs around his waist and his lips locked with hers.

"I think it worked," Danny said before kissing me.

True love was a powerful force. It was so strong that it could overcome any obstacle. I had it. And I most definitely knew that Percy and Annabeth had the truest of true love. They were meant to be. Two halves to a whole. They were the bread to each other's butter. And the chocolate chips to each other's cookie. As long as the cookie was blue.

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