The dog

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Peridot's POV

I stared at the small robot I was trying to make. It was almost done, but there was still something missing... Something I couldn't see...

"What makes you tick...?" I mumbled, poking at a stray wire.

I was just about to get up and get a glass of water when the door flew open. I squealed and fell out of my chair. Jasper ran in.

"Peridot!! Peridot guess what!!!" Jasper yelled.

I growled and got to my feet again, dusting myself off. The larger girl was holding a small box, a huge grin on her face.

"Jasper, inside voice please..." I complained, walking into the kitchen.

Jasper followed me. I had never seen the girl this excited before, unless it was before a big football game, but still.

"Peri! You'll never believe what I found today!!" She exclaimed.

I sighed and looked at her.

"What did you find Jasper?" I asked, annoyance in my voice.

Jasper opened the box and a small puppy leaped out of it. I gasped a little and stared at it, recognizing the breed almost instantly.

"Jasper, you got a-"

"St. Bernard, I know. Isn't he adorable? Amethyst asked if I wanted it and of course I said yes! I love dogs!!"

I stepped away from the small puppy. Sure it was cute and all, but they were slobber monsters, and I couldn't work with dog slobber everywhere.

"Jasper why didn't you talk to me first, and you know the school doesn't allow dogs on campus!!"

"I know, that's why I paid extra for this little guy. I'm thinking on calling him Perry or something."

I stared at her.

"You're not naming this slobber beast after me! I don't drool!!"

"You do when you sleep, darling~"

I groaned and stared at the small puppy. He stared up at me through large brown eyes. He was already drooling. I sighed.

"You're paying for his food and stuff..." I growled.

Jasper's eyes brightened up, clearly sensing her victory.

"I already planned on it! You're gonna love him!!" She exclaimed, picking the small puppy up and cuddling him.

I grimaced as it began licking her face. I'd never allow a dog to lick my face like that.

"He stays on your side of the room..."

"He's a dog, he'll do what he wants Peri."

"You're taking him on walks and you'll clean his poop up."

"That's fine with me. As long as I can keep him I'll do that."

I glanced down at the puppy again. I sighed.

I don't think I'll ever get used to that thing... I thought.


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