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Now the high-ranking girls are gathered to hear the report from the Chinese and why they were attacked.

NH: Dragon Empery detected suspicious activity from the sirens, it could be a sign that they are preparing for a massive attack. We went on an exploration mission to gather more information, but while the mission was underway in enemy territory, we were discovered and had to escape. In the end, a high-ranking siren along with her fleet attacked us. It seemed they wanted us dead and they attacked us with everything they had. During the fight, by coordinating maneuvers among ourselves, we managed to annihilate their leader and their fleet fell into chaos, which we took advantage of to annihilate them. Unfortunately, a ship that was still active managed to damage me, and the rest you already know.

Hornet: Do you mean that the high-class sirens are doing something strange? 

NH: Indeed.

Wales: Dragon Empery are valuable allies of Azur Lane, and they have risked their lives to bring us this valuable information.

NH: Unfortunately, we were not able to gather much information, but we can deduce that the sirens are preparing to attack us while we and Red Axis are in the midst of an internal war...

Wales: That is a very accurate hypothesis due to the information they have provided us.

Then the meeting ended, leaving everyone with a great uncertainty. In the hallway, Hornet and Belfast walk.

Hornet: This is a big problem, maybe I'll have to talk to my sister Enterprise to authorize a spying mission against the empire.

Belfast: Please do not bother your sister with these requests as she is investigating an act of corruption in her country, right? 

Hornet: That's true, it seems that there were some embezzlements of funds.

Belfast: In that case, don't worry because espionage is an activity in which our country excels. We, the Royal Maids Corps, are already on a mission... (Bows) Clock and Dagger.

Hornet: (Confused) What?


We change the setting and return to the Sakura Empire at the moment when Ayanami and her friends go to a restaurant to share the adventures that Ayanami experienced while attacking Pearl Harbor.

Yuudachi: (Very happy) Race! Let's have a race to the restaurant!

Yuudachi and Yukikaze race to the restaurant while Ayanami and Shigure walk at their own pace.

Shigure: Don't run on the stairs! (sigh) I don't know why I bother wasting my breath if they're not going to listen to me...

Ayanami: It's better for them to learn the hard way, taking care of them is such a pain, isn't it?

Shigure: You said it...

Two British girls walk in the opposite direction, dressed in formal priestess dresses and wearing masks to maintain appearances.

Edinburgh: I don't know why I agreed to this. 

Sheffy: Because there was no one else to accompany me, plus it's the queen's orders.

Now we move to the imperial palace where  Nagato and her ministers are gathered to listen to the report Akagi from and Kagi. Akagi gives a brief summary of the ambush's outcome and mentions that Iron Blood's intelligence was wrong because their plans were left unfinished as they found themselves at an overwhelming disadvantage. Then, Akagi handed the black mental cube to Nagato for her and her ministers to admire its beauty. Nagato then began to boast about the powers of the black mental cube and its ability to control mass-produced Siren ships.

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