CH.5 - he can't leave my mind

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Johnnies pov:

I wake up at my desk. I groan as I crack my back, reminding myself to never fall asleep at my desk ever again. I get up and change my outfit, putting on some black and red pajama pants and a band shirt. I don't really feel like putting effort into my outfit so this will do. I walk into the bathroom and look at my hair and makeup. My makeup honestly looks fine so I'm not going to do anything to it but my hair is kinda messy. I take out my brush, fixing my bangs before sitting for it looking mediocre. I go back to my room, leaving Jake a small note saying that I left for class.

As I leave my dorm I see him. I roll my eyes as I continue my way to class. As I'm waiting for the door to open he walks up to me, leaning against the wall.

"What do you want?" I ask

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head with a smile

"You know exactly what I mean."

"This is my class."

"Why would you be taking a music class?" I ask, eyes wide

"Because I care about music. You know, I'm actually working on my own ep." He says with confidence

"Oh, great." I roll my eyes

Just then the door opens and I quickly walk in. I take my seat and notice that Bryan takes a seat that's right next to mine.

"Why are you doing this? You know I don't like you but you just can't leave me alone." I try not to yell

"Because I can... and I find it funny." He giggles
"You just get so cute when your angry." He pokes my cheek

"Don't fucking touch me." I swat his hand away from mine

The class finally settles in and I couldn't be happier to hear my teachers lecture. Through the whole class I can feel Bryan trying to get my attention but I don't buy it. I practically spring out of my seat once the class is dismissed.

I rush to my next class, just hoping that I won't see Bryan anymore.

~time skip to the end of his classes~

I walk out of my last class tired and ready to go home. I couldn't stop thinking about Bryan going to school here. I mean why? He already had a job at the highschool and now that I've graduated he randomly wants to start going to college? I try not to think to much about it, I shouldn't be thinking about him, that what he would want. As I walk closer to my dorm I see Bryan sitting in the grass. I roll my eyes trying make sure that he doesn't see me. Surprise, he does. He looks up at me with a shit eating grin before standing up and walking over to me. Great.

"What a nice surprise." He claps his hands together

"What do you want?" I cross my arms

"What, am I not allowed to talk to you?" He tilts his head

"No, we don't like each other. You've been nothing but an asshole twords me and I'm not buying this good guy act that your putting on."

"This is no act, I've changed my ways." He looks at me like a lost puppy

"It's been a little over a year since I've last seen or thought about you. You randomly re-appearing back into my life is strange, don't you think?"

"No, I'm aloud to attend school. It's not my fault that you chose to go to the most basic school in the area. If you didn't want to see people from your past, you should have applied to a different school." His voice was stern

"Just don't talk to me." I the walk into the building to get to my dorm

Once I get inside I rush to my room and throw my bag on the floor. I turn around and jump into my bed. Is Bryan right? I mean I did choose one of the easiest schools to get into..I just didn't expect him to come here. If I knew he would be attending here I would have gone to a different school. Fuck, why am I thinking about it so much? He's just trying to get into my head, and I'm letting him. I sit up and take my shoes off, throwing them into my closet. I go to my desk and start to do my school work, trying to get him iff of my mind.

After a few hours of doing work I hear my door shut. I turn around and see Jake smiling with a grocery bag in his hand.

"Heyyy~" he flirts

"Hi Jake." I smile

He walks over to me, placing the bag in the floor before sitting on my lap face me. He gives me a kiss before leaning over and taking out a beer from the bag.

"Do you want one?" He tilts his head

"Yeah." I smile

He hands me a beer before grabbing one for himself.

"What made you want to buy alcohol?" I ask as I sip the beer

"I don't know, just saw it at the store and thought why not." He shrugs
"Anyways, how was your day?" He smiles

"Bad." I say truthfully

"Aww, what happened?" He frowns before kissing my cheek

"Bryan is in one of my classes and he wouldn't leave me alone. I also talked to him on my way home. I wish I could just ignore him but I can't." I finish my beer

"I'm sorry, babe. How many classes do you have with him?"

"Just the one. But I still see him when walking around campus."

"That really sucks, you should try and get out of the class that you share with him. He's such an asshole and for what he's done to you, you shouldn't be around him."

"But he's in my music class. That's like the one class that I actually like." I frown

"Wait how did he get into that class? I thought you had to be in your second year of college for it."

"I thought so to but I guess not." Iwe both open another beer
"Babe, can we just not talk about him anymore. I've been thinking about him all day." I sigh

"Of course, darling~" he smiles

Srry 4 the goofy ending idk how 2 end the chapter :<

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