CH.4 - the past is here to stay

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Jake's pov:

I wake up and notice that I'm cuddled up next to Johnnie is his bed. I look down and see that I'm in a complete change of clothes. I tighten my grip around johnnie, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. I sit like that for a few minutes before slowly moving my arms. I sit up but I don't want to completely get out of the comfort of his bed. Once I'm fully awake I let my hands roam and end up playing with Johnnies hair. I guess he didn't bother to shower before sleeping because his hair feels like there's still tons of hairspray in it. I don't mind though, I keep playing with his hair until I feel him twitch. Fuck. I move my hands as I watch as he rolls over. Once he settles into his new position I go back to playing with his hair. Eventually I see his eyes open.

"Morning." Johnnie grumbles

"Shit, did I wake you up?" I frown

"No, I need to be up." He sighs

"Oh, do you have class?"

"Yeah." He frowns

I watch as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. He then gets out of bed and goes to his closet.

"Are you just going to watch me get dressed?" He giggles

"Yeah, it's boyfriend rules." I smile

He rolls his eyes before taking off his shirt. He looks through his closet and picks out a random band tee and some skinny jeans. I watch as he gets dressed then goes to his desk, grabbing his brush and brushes his hair.

"Can I brush your hair?" I ask

"I guess?" He tossed the brush over to me before taking a seat next to me on the bed
"Why do you want to brush my hair?"

"I don't know..I just like doing it." I smile as I brush away

"When have you ever brushed my hair?" He turns to look at me

"Whenever you come home drunk. I like to play with your hair and when it's not brushed it's hard to run my fingers through." I give him a kiss on the cheek before forcing him to look the other way

"I didn't know you did that."

"Yeah, I probably should have told you at some point. But I also just assumed you knew." I giggle

"How the fuck would I figure that out?" He shakes his head

"Because your brush would be in a different place from where you left it?" I giggle

"Oh, I never thought about it."

I shake my head with a smile
"Okay, I'm done."

"Cool, thanks. Did you want to straighten my hair too?" He laughs as he gets up

"If you want me to burn your hair off, then sure."

He just sighs before walking away. I follow him into the bathroom, taking a seat on the toilet as he plugs in his straightener.

"Are you just going to watch me? You know you can go back to sleep. You literally have two beds to choose from." He smiles

"I like watching your morning routine." I smile

"Weirdo." He rolls his eyes as he starts to do his makeup

I smile as he finishes his makeup and looks at me for some kind of approval. Now he has to wait for the iron to heat up. I actually don't know, I don't do my hair or anything. I watch as hi puts his finger on the iron and shake his head.

"This is actually taking forever to heat up."

"Do you just...put your hand on the hot part till it burns you?" I told my head

College years Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ