Chapter One

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"Emyli!" Beca exclaimed as I pulled my bags from the trunk of the cab. She grabbed the last one quickly and set it on the ground. She squealed happily (as much as she could, being Beca) and hugged me tightly. I laughed and dropped my bags, returning her embrace. I hadn't seen her in so long! I missed her like crazy. She was my best friend in high school; I had decided to take a little break between high school and college.

"Beca!" I grinned, pulling away and picking up my bags again. She scooped up the last, large bag and pulled out the handle so she could roll it down the sidewalk.

"Took you long enough!" she laughed as we walked toward the building.

"The ride took forever," I replied, tugging my bags through the door. "I knew I should've taken a plane."

"It's not that far away," she said. "You're just impatient."


"Oh!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Hurry up, I told Jesse I'd introduce you as soon as you got here!"

"Who's Jesse?" I asked, grunting slightly from the weight of my bags, which felt as if they were getting heavier by the second.

"My boyfriend," Beca answered, almost shyly. I gasped and grinned wider than I had since graduation.

"Really?" I squealed. "Oh my gosh, I have to meet him!"

Beca blushed a deep red as she pressed the elevator button with the arrow pointing up. She had called me the night before and told me all the details about my dorm and my schedule. She had pulled some strings and she had been allowed to register me so that I could spend my time meeting people and doing things more fun than going through paperwork and talking to the principal.

She showed me to my dorm room - number 317 - and showed me hers, just a few doors down. We dropped the bags on the floor and bed, not even bothering to set anything up yet. I was rushing everything so I could meet Jesse. Beca had never really had boyfriends as long as I had known her, and if she did, they were special. Still, I had to approve, because that's what best friends do.

The boys' dorms were on the other side of the building. On some whim of luck, Jesse's dorm room was on the same floor. There was a huge hall that separated the boys' and girls' dorms so we would know which was which, but it wasn't very hard to tell. There was music blasting from half of them, and if it wasn't that, it was the sound of them yelling at video games.

Finally, Beca stopped at the last door. She turned to me and gave me a serious look. "Don't weird out on me."

"What are you talking about?" I grinned sarcastically. "I'm never weird."

"Sure," she replied, and knocked on the door. She called, "Jesse!"

The door opened and a boy stood there, grinning happily. "Hey," he smiled and turned to me. "You must be Emyli. Beca talks about you a lot."

"Yeah, hi!" I replied. "I'm Emyli Taelors, it's spelled weird though. Beca told me that you're her boyfriend."

He seemed a little caught-off-guard at the random statement pinned onto the end of my greeting, but he smiled after just a second. "Yeah, I am. It's been a few months now."

After about three seconds of awkward standing, Jesse said, "Oh! Come in! Sorry."

He opened the door wide, allowing Beca to step in first. I followed her lead and shut the door behind me. Beca sat down on the left bed with Jesse and I stood awkwardly in front of the door.

My eyes lit up when I caught sight of the extravagant decorations above and all around the second bed. It was completely set up with Star Wars merchandise.

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