Chapter 33

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"You might share my blood, but I'll never call you my princess!" My sister's venomous words pierced the air, her eyes ablaze with resentment.

I stood there in shock, dumbfounded by her hostility. "Why?" I managed to choke out.

"I have no desire to speak to you," she spat, turning to leave without another word.


She paused, her back still turned to me.

"What about mother?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Eaten," she spat, glaring at me over her shoulder, "and just like her, you're dead to me."

The weight of her words crushed me. I had thought I found a piece of family here, only to have it ripped away from me mere seconds later.

It was like reviving a corpse of a dear one, only to stab it in the heart and sent it back to the grave.

I didn't try to coerce or persuade her into talking to me. She didn't want me. My once dear sister, who used to dance around the table with me, let me brush her hair by the fireplace, and helped me discover worms under stones in the woods near our cottage, now deemed me dead to her.

Tears lined my eyes as I watched my sister, or what was left of her, limp back to her mate, wondering if he was truly as heartless as I had assumed.

She leaned up, the remaining hand palming his enormous bicep, and his head tilted to the side.

She whispered something, her hand cupping his ear. He glanced at her, then nodded once.

"My female is unwell. Her remaining limbs need a rest, Lord." Captain Braminous announced, his tone deep and firm.

"Leave then," Zerberus dismissed them with a wave of his hand, without sparing them a glance, his ever-bored hooded eyes drifting elsewhere.

My hands clenched at my sides.

If my sister didn't want me, then so be it.

But I refused to back down. After all, I was still her Princess, whether she liked it or not.

"I don't allow it," I declared, marching forward despite the burning glare from my former sister.

I was tired, exhausted, of people (and dragons) pushing me around.

The Captain hesitated, his eyes darting between me and Zerberus, his true ruler and me, his mere female.

Zerberus, unfazed, casually tossed a slice of bloody meat into his gaping maw.

More reptilian than any shifter, including my own mate, the Captain wiggled his larger than usual wings,knocking trays from the hands of trembling servants, their contents scattering like the broken dreams of the chefs that prepared them.

"Apologies, Captain," a veiled servant hurriedly muttered, her face hidden from view as she rushed to collect the fallen food and mop up the spilt sauce. Another servant scrambled to clean the floor, avoiding the intimidating gaze of the Captain.

The captain ignored them.

"You heard your Lady," Zerberus drawled, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement, a goblet covering half his face as he spoke.

With a subtle nod, the Captain gestured for his mate to resume her seat, a silent command that brooked no argument.

Her gaze tried to burn the flesh of my cheeks.

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