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Today is the 4th of June.. Exactly one month from her birthday... This is my side which is only visible to the person who will hurt her and destroy her like this bastard did..

" Pls.. Clyde.. Kill me... Kill me.. Pls. I want to die.... Yess death is coming towards me... Pls come.. No.. No don't go.. Take me with you don't don't.... "

Kevin's voice echoes the room... He was begging... Yeah for  death..

Sixth you will be meeting death everyday but you will not die it will come near and will go away in front of your eyes as you beg your heart out..

I do what I say .. After all I take after my father in this type of thing.. My father Christian Smith.. Was also the best business man in Canada... He is my only parent when my mother died after 4 years of my birth...

Mommy.. Pls mommy.. Wake up.. I was crying out loud.. But she didn't respond to any of my pleas she was taken away from me.. My father came rushing..
All I knew was the doctor saying she needs organ transplantation but her name is not in the list and hence they can't transplant the organ she needs...
After many hours of trying and crying.. She stopped responding.. She stopped breathing... And like that I knew.. I knew.. She was no longer with me...

" Pls Clyde.. " I came out of the trance by his pleas...
" Kevin... What you said.. You took her before I confessed.. Right? It was because.. I thought she was happy with you and I didn't want to ruin her happiness unlike you... You destroyed the shit out of her.. And now it's your turn to enter hell... You know what date is today? " I asked when he nodded between his tears..

I've done what I said.. First.. Second.. Third.. Fourth.. Fifth.. And now the sixth phase is going on...

" Pls let me die.. I can't take life anymore.. " He said..
" Do you think she is enjoying her life after what you did?.. She is not and well guess what.. You will also fucking not... " I snarled and hit him again with my own bare hands.. Because I hated how she is doing.. I hated to see her screaming at night.. Zoning out of nowhere.. And most importantly she didn't smile even though the incident was 6 months ago... And it hurt me.. Like hell.. She dreamed that she has been choking by someone and she lives through death many times and now I am going to make him feel how visiting death everyday feels like.. Another punch on the already beaten nose. Another hit on already bruised lips... Another hit on the already bloody eyes.... And more it was routine to beat him until my frustration was not gone.. It felt good to beat the man who took lovely.. Lively.. Happy....cheerful.. Rysha away from me

She is a diamond... Indeed.. I love calling her diamond... She asked me many times why.. But.. It's just that it comes out naturally... She is a miracle... And I am proud of how she is managing and coping up the surroundings...
She never lost her confidence.. Professionalism.. And her  strong will... I respect her very much, in my eyes she is most beautiful.. Brave.. Strong.. Doctor.... She was, is and will always be first...
After 3 hours I exited the room ..

" Here he is the most handsome doctor in Canada.. "
My father hugged me it was a surprise he didn't say he was going to be here.. He knew it all too well.. About everything.. Just he doesn't know I am having some shit in the basement..
" Hello my father.. Pleasant surprise... " I say covering  blood on my knuckles..
" Whose inside I heard the pleas... " He asked..
" N.. No one.. " I tried not to stutter but it happened anyway..
" My boy learned to lie.. I wonder what Kevin must be going through.. " He said
How did he know but after all he has his spies every fucking where...
" Dad pls let me do my thing pls don't.. " " This is not enough.. Clyde.. Where is the beast inside you... Are you going to let him die in such beautiful shape? Notch out every fucking part he laid on her... " He yelled..
Yaa.. I knew he would not dare to scold me for punishing this little shit.. Like I deserve it..

Christian Smith is one of the finest businessmen in the world before my mothers death he was just an employee but after her death he was determined to get enough wealth and fame he wished he had when he needed it the most.. He knew Rysha as a great Dr. He always wanted a daughter... He wished he always had but.. Before my mother was no longer with both of us... He always wished to have a daughter like her bravery.. Kind.. Successful.. Lovely and beautiful.. I always told him about her.. Yeah.. If I like her I like her and the first one to know is my father... He hated how her father treated her.. And I as well as he knows her father .. Mr. Varun singhania is the biggest business rival of my father because he always dealt with every kind of illegal thing... In market... My father was planning to do something which will lead to the collapse of all the company of his with him...
He wanted Rysha to handle it just in case he was caught then the blame will be on Rysha and she will be one who will live her life in jail as a new chairwoman..
But.. Rysha chose another path and here she is.. Lady don....
I knew this all just because of my father...
After some minutes there was an emergency in NGC hospitals...  I rushed...
.         .         .

After a breathtaking 15 hours of difficult heart transplantation.. I searched the whole hospital for her.. Just for her glimpse.. I am not afraid to confess but if I confessed now I will lose her forever so I choose to heal her every wound... Every pain... And every insecurity of her and bring back.. Happy. Cheerful and sunshine Rysha...
On my way.. I spotted one of the gynecologists.. Dr. Ira..
" Hii. Dr. " I greeted with my unknown politeness..
" Umm. Hii Dr. Clyde.. How may I help you? " She asked looking at my sweaty and frustrated face..
" Can you tell me where.. Dr. Rysha is? I need to recheck some of the medical reports with her.. " I asked.. She didn't need the explanation... I was acting impatiently..
" She... She...  She is gone on a business trip.. " She said after taking a solid 2 minutes..
" Then I'll- " 
" Where is she gone.. Which patient, which area? " I asked interrupting her attempt of vanishing..
" She is gone to New York... For some very difficult cases.."
" When will she be back? " I asked immediately not waiting for a second..
" She'll be away for 2 weeks to assist the situation.. She'll probably be back by 20 to 25 June I guess, now if you'll excuse me? " She was annoyed by my questions..
" Yeah.. Sure.. "

HEYY, ENEMY...... Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum