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Oh how I hate this mann.. Thank god his patient was on time.. It is midnight by now... It's 2 months since that shit accident... I wonder how they are doing I didn't get a chance to visit my place because this schedule..
" Let's go.. Rhyss" Kevin says taking my hand and guiding me towards the car..
We reach his apartment.... Am quite exhausted... Now.. Let me specify quite is meaning of  very fucking darn much... EXHAUSTED....
Suddenly I feel like am flying.... Oh.. He lifted me up... I know what will happen now.....
" Mr.. You should really need to control yourself" I say teasing " I can't baby.. I want to taste you... ravish you.... devour you.." He says laying me in his bedroom.... "Oh don't tell me that you don't want to get fucked harder.. " He says kissing me...
Something pricked again and now I hate it... I push him and gesture to stop him when he forces and keeps kissing me " Stop... Stop... Kevin... Fucking hell... Could stop... " I screamed but nothing he didn't allowed me to he kept kissing me I stopped responding... I stopped right there.. I was exhausted.. Then he was stronger than me... Then he stopped and looked at me.... When my phone rang..... " Who's this ' enemy ' ? " He asks and picks up...  "Hello? " Kevin says.. " Rysha listen.. Here.... " He was blabbering something I was not able to understand... I was dizzy again.. When Kevin moved his hand on my phone to mute it but accidentally he pressed wrong button... " Rhyss, tomorrow is camp.. Right... So bad you couldn't attend... "  He says... "Why will I not attend the camp... Why am I feeling dizzy.. Why am I hurting?.. Why am I nauseous. Answer the darn questions Kevin.. Answer them now.. " I demand in authorative voice.. "Oh how I hate that sound of demand from your mouth... You bitch" I've never seen him like this before he was turned into monster.... I can't believe my ears and eyes... That person on me is the Kevin who was best friend... was my soul mate.... was the person I trusted most in my life ...
" Oh Rysha how can you go this blind in love that being a doctor you didn't recognize I was injecting drugs in you?... Great... Fetanyl... Baby... " " But why kevin? Why.... I trusted you.. I loved you.. Why did you do this..? " I ask in agry tone.. " Do. Not. Make. Me angry and yell at me.. You were always centre of attraction ... Rysha this.. Rysha that.. Dr. Rysha goddess... Dr. Rysha great... At this young age achieved so many... I hate you Rysha for always being in limelight.. You are just a woman you can't be this successful woman should never be this successful.. " He said grabbing my throat ... Is he mad.. He hates me because I am successful.. He hates me because I am great doctor... He hates me because I am center of attraction..
What the fuck was I even listening.. I was choking by now.. My tears not stopping am begging to God just finish this nightmare if I meant to die I would die. For the first time I was not afraid of death.. When loud voice of door was heard and.... The voice... Voice of a man... It's Clyde.... How come he knew?... And that was it.... Everything was dark... Darkness.... Dizzy.... I hate the feeling... I am dyingdyingdying...
I can't breathe breathebreathe......

I can't see.. I am numb... Numb by the information I was confronted.. Numb by the betrayal... Numb by mankind who hates women being more successful than them...

I can't believe I was being in a toy trap of fake love, trust, friendship and every emotion I felt.... Emotions are dangerous if they are felt deeply and still dangerous even if they don't feel at all.. It allows a person to be a monster...
But for now on.. I hate Clyde for saving the 0.1% life remaining in my lungs.. In myself....

I was hating myself more than that shitty kevin... All people congratulate me for my success and glory, give me awards and trophies but I wonder... What is use of thse fucking success if it is not the thing our loved ones proud off?... What is fucking use of it .....
.      .      .

I don't know when my eyes opened all I saw was Clyde on side of my bed... When I try to move I realize iam in hospital... And by the sudden moment Clyde is woken up... " How are you feeling " He says with his cold voice...

" Why am in hospital.. What even happened? " I ask in very rude voice.. " You don't remember?? Rysha? " He asks.. I only remember ber kevin kissing me and then I was unconscious... Something grabbed my throat and I was unconscious.. " Someone grabbed my throat and I was unconscious?, but how I ended up here? " " You really don't remember the incident? " He asks rudely " Just fucking tell me.. Why I am here... I have a camp to handle today... Release me now.... And call Lucy to check on everything.. " I order " No.. I can't call Lucy and I will not release you till you are recovered ... " He says authorativly " This is my hospital... I will order ,  don't fucking order me.... "

" Shut up.. Rysha.. See your surroundings it is Mercy's Hospital which is under my fucking control... And untill I allow you will not be able to leave " He says angrily... Yeah.. He was right it was mercy Hospital.. Today is my Hospital's  leave as it was yearly medical camp..
" Where is Kevin? " I ask desperately..
" Rysha what the fuck is wrong with you he just tried to kill the fuck outta you.. And you are here asking where is he?"
It's was a shock.. Kill? Why will he kill me? Ugh.. I hate my fucking brain..... Untill i heard kevins voice.. I jerked up on my bed " Listen.. Rysha.. " And in that one second my whole world crumbled I thought it was a fucking nightmsre but it was not... It's real.... He tried to kill me.. It was second time i escaped death...
Tears rolled down from eyes.. My heart was aching... My insides were burning.... I was broken.. Every darn hope.. Every fucking reason to live was over..

" Why the fuck did you saved me?.. Why didn't you leave me to die?... Why the hell did you wanted to a fucking hero?...
Well congrats you just saved an already dead person.. Thank you so fucking much. ".

" Rysha don't you understand.. You need a fucking treatment for drug infuse... After all it was the most dangerous drug.. Fentanyl. " Clyde growls in a ruthless voice... " I am fine.... I don't need a fucking treatment I want to die...." I said with all pent up frustration.. " Shut the fuck up.... And rest,  you are under my fucking observation... " He yelled and exited the ward.. Tears streamed down my cheeks.. I was crying..

Crying until my heart didn't ache..

Crying until my head didn't heart..

Crying until the memories of Kevin fade...

Crying until I had a hope to live......

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