Chapters 351-360

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Draven was soaking inside the pool attached to his bedchamber with his eyes closed. The dream he was seeing these days flashed in his mind once more.

A hand wielding a sharp weapon, flowing blood from a stab and the sound of someone crying.

He opened his eyes, and this time, he didn't look shocked, as if the vision no longer affected him. Every time his vision came to the part where the assailant would stab that weapon, Draven would feel sharp pain in his chest, as if he was personally experiencing the attack.

'A weapon made of divine magic, a creation that bears its creator's bloodlust, Its very existence will stop at nothing until it fulfills its purpose. A weapon that brings death.' He was determined. 'If that is the case, I should be the one to take that hit. I cannot lose more of my people.'

Unpleasant memories he had long buried began to resurface, causing his normally expressionless face to twist in anger.

'If only I find that weapon.'

However, despite searching the entire kingdom, Draven was unable to sense any divine weapon with malicious energy. A weapon that brings death was a monstrosity that could not coexist peacefully with nature. It was not possible to hide such an accursed divine weapon in a kingdom full of powerful supernatural beings.

This made Draven wonder if this meant an outsider would cause trouble on the day of mourning.

Just then, he heard the sound of his mate cursing him from the main chamber.

"Draven Aramis! You monster! Don't you dare come in front of me!!!"

All the worries he had in mind disappeared in a blink of an eye, and an uncharacteristically pleasant smile spread across his normally expressionless face.

'Seems like she is finally awake.' At the thought of what kind of face she's making, the smile on his lips widened even more. 'She sure sounds adorable when angry. I overdid it but...maybe I might not get another chance to be with her like this. I need to be with her as much as I can.'

He stepped out of the bath and went out after drying himself and wrapping a towel around his waist. As soon as he stepped out of the side chamber, he found his mate staggering under the sheets. She was trying to sit up in bed with much effort when she felt a figure approaching him.

Ember gritted her teeth, refusing to look at him. "You! I don't want to see you!"

"You are the one who called my name and dared me to show up in front of you," he countered as he approached her to support her aching body.

"I don't need your help," she snapped and shrugged his hand angrily, but the next moment, she froze.

The moment she turned her head, her gaze landed on the perfectly sculpted body of the half-naked mate in front of her. She could not help but appreciate those beautiful muscles, forgetting her anger for a moment.

He also paused upon finding her bold gaze on him. "I thought you didn't want to see me."

She immediately turned her face away. "Who wants to see you? I don't want to anymore."

"You might get your wish fulfilled soon," he said under his breath, too soft for her to hear properly, and despite her not wanting to get help from him, he held her upper body up. He went ahead and arranged the pillows behind her and pulled up the blanket for her to cover herself.

Before she could say anything more, Draven beat her to it. "Maybe you will feel less angry with this." A rolled scroll came flying towards the bed and spread open in front of her. It was the map of the continent.

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