Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I narrowed my eyes as Darkember led me through the twisting passage ways of DuneClan camp. I had come to learn that each tunnel held seasons of history, and buried secrets.

"How much further is it?" I called.

Darkember glanced over his shoulders, lips quirking up into a wry smile. "Not very far," he rumbled.

I nodded slowly. The moment he turned away, I spared a glance over my shoulder. I could still hear the faint noise of cheering off in the distance. It was rapidly dying away with a steady thundering noise in the distance. A heartbeat later, Darkember turned a bend.

I found myself in a massive silver cavern, with gleaming crystals above me. In the far corner, a waterfall flowed down into an underground river. This must be the location where DuneClan warriors sheltered during severe droughts.

Flamepaw was seated beside the river, staring down at her. Cautiously, I padded towards him.

Then, I heard the pawsteps. Whirling around, I saw three other cats join Darkember. One, I recognised as Koalaclaw. The other two were complete strangers, but a sinister light seemed to glitter in their eyes as they surveyed me.

"Now we can talk."

Flamepaw let out a snarl as he turned to see the other cats. My brother's expression was frantic, as he searched for escape routes. Darkember seemed satisfied.

"You seem to really like cornering me," I commented drily as one of the rogues unsheathed their claws. "It's almost like you forget that I could call the whole of DuneClan down here in a moment, or..." I raised my eyebrows. "Unleash the dragon inside me, and take you out."

I waited for Darkember's reaction. To my immense surprise, the black tabby was unfazed.

"Ah, but you won't. Because, like it or not, little snake, you and I both have a common goal."

I kept my tone even. "That is?"

"DuneClan has gone dry as the desert under a blazing sun. The clan is slowly weakening. I want to bring it back to the glory days, where the cats in power were those with strength and bravery," Darkember nodded. "Like yourself. Pricklestar only punishes you for that, but I," he smiled. "I offer rewards.

"It's the only way," my brother's voice was soft, his eyes beseeching me. "Python, listen to what he has to say. All we've ever wanted is to be strong and recognised..."

"One little task for me," Darkember purred. "And you get to see Burrowpaw again." He grinned as I stiffened. "Unleash your true potential. Just like Flamepaw is trying to do. I will make sure you are able to do this in the battle, but only if you follow my lead. I will make you one of the most respected cats in my new clan. But if you don't..."

The threat was clear. He was only giving me one option.

I glanced towards Flamepaw, narrowing my eyes. Koalaclaw whispered something in Darkember's ear. The tom nodded uneasily, and the other three cats departed. I circled my brother slowly as he tried to back away from me.

"Flamepaw, I know it's rough with Darkember being your mentor and all," I meowed. "But I'm trying to be here for you. What did he mean?"

Flamepaw whisked his smoky grey tail along the ground. Suddenly, he darted for the exit, where Darkember had gone. I leapt in front of him, claws unsheathed, fur raised defensively. My brother was done hiding from myself.

I saw a flash of something shiny on the underside of his back leg as my brother leapt back. He was shivering, staring at the direction from which Darkember had come.

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