Chapter 38: The comments

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As everyone else made their way back to their respective rooms, Han stopped Minho and said, "hyung, we need to talk". Minho looked at chan.
"I'll come to the room later hyung," Minho told Chan.

Once everyone had left, and it was just Han and Minho in the hall, Han asked him. "Hyung, do you like Mioko?"
Minho scoffed and said, "me? No I don't".

Han sighed and was about to walk away, when Minho asked, "do you?"
"What if I said yes?" Han said.

Minho walked past Han's shoulder, and said, "Then I'd punch you".

As Minho walked away, he turned around to shout "goodnight Hannie! Sleep well!" And proceeded to make his way to his bedroom.

Han laughed to himself, "is this guy for real?" He took one last glance at the girls' room door, and went upstairs to his room.


It was the next day, everyone woke up early to check the comments, in response to the very first episode that was aired the previous night.

(The girl's POV)

Mioko, Eliana and Azalea sat together on the bed, found their video on YouTube, and watched it, it was about an Hour long.

"They added in the part where the ball hit my face," Mioko complained.


They decided to ignore the episode, and look at the comments.

"This is hilariously awkward lol"
"There's so much drama it almost feels scripted lmao"
"Azalea is so pretty though, like I don't blame Hyunjin for freaking out when held his hand!"

"Eliana and Jeongin have gotten suspiciously close...
↪️ Jeongin probably likes her already, can't expect anything less from the straightest members."

"Mioko being stuck between Minsung lol, I feel so bad for her".

They scrolled further, to reveal the bad comments.

"Azalea thinks she has pretty girl privilege, hasn't even been a day and she's already all in Hyunjin's personal space"

"Eliana needs to chill out, clearly she's making Jeongin uncomfortable!"

But the person that the hate was maximum for, were Azalea, and Mioko. Specifically Mioko.

"Azalea probably thinks she's prettier than everyone else, ugh can't stand these type of girls"

"Mioko's such a pick me! Clearly Minho's her bias and Han's her bias wrecker. She's trying so hard to finesse Minsung"

"Idk why, Mioko just annoys me so much, she keeps getting in between Minsung"

"I fast forwarded everytime Mioko got screentime lmao"
"Azalea too! Couldn't stand seeing her 'pretty girl' face"


The girls couldn't read anymore. Azalea felt horrible, she wanted to play sick so that she doesn't have to be on the show again.

Mioko tried to hold it in, but one single tear rolled over her face, causing her to let the others flow and fall too. Eliana hugged Azalea and Mioko, calming then down.

"We should talk to Chan," Eliana said.
"No! Minho's in his room!" Mioko cried. "I don't want to see him, or Han!"

Just then a knock was heard on their door. "It's me!" Chan's voice echoed.
"See? I knew chan wouldn't let us sit in sadness!" Eliana said, making her way towards the door.

She opened the door and let chan in, and his smile faded when he saw Mioko crying, and Azalea trying her best not to cry for Mioko. Chan sat down hesitantly, and asked in a low voice, "would a hug make you feel better?"

Mioko looked at him with a teary face, and jumped into a hug. Chan hugged her with warmth and said, "it's okay now, because hugs, make everything better".
She sobbed into his chest.

"I didn't ask for Han and Minho to use me for fan service, what made them think it was okay?!" She cried. Chan silently hugged her.

Once she let go, she looked at the tear stains on Chan's shirt. "I'll go change my shirt real quick," Chan said, going out of the room.

Eliana checked her phone, and there were texts from Jeongin, asking her to meet him in his room with 'ignore seungmin' in brackets. She laughed, and hugged the girls before leaving.

Hyunjin called Azalea, and asked if she'd like to take a walk with him in the backyard. She left. Now, Mioko was sitting in her room, all alone, tearing up again.

She heard someone knocking on the open door, she looked at the doorway to see Minsung standing there. She threw a pillow at them.
"We aren't even being filmed now, why're you here for fan service again?!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry Mioko," Han said.
"Sorry," Minho whispered.
That's when Chan entered the room again. "Oh Chan hyung, we were apologising," Han said.

"Why'd you guys even do whatever you did yesterday?" Chan asked them. Before they could answer, he turned to Mioko and asked, "Can we come in?"

She nodded, and the trio made their way in. "Mioko, I'm sorry, I really am!" Han said.

"Mioko, I will not apologise for what I did, but I will guarantee that everyone who dares to speak ill of you will shut up after today's episode," Minho stated.

"Minho? What are you cooking up?" Chan asked.
"I'm not cooking anything hyung, I'll just make it very clear who's chasing who," Minho said.

"Please trust me," Minho said in a soft voice to Mioko. Mioko wiped her face, Han handed her a tissue. She looked at Minho, and smiled.

"Are you feeling better now?" Han asked. Mioko nodded.
"Guys, it's 6:30, we should return to our rooms," Chan said.

"You guys go ahead, I'll come later," Han said.
"Nah I'm staying too," Minho said, glaring at Han. Han returned the glare with a passive aggressive smile.

Chan sighed, and dragged both of them out. Mioko laughed as they left the room like upset children.


To be continued. . .

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