Chapter 16

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Serkan was smart enough to know that Eda knew her body. She would only do activities that didn't stress her too much. Taking the boat out on Saturday with guests was something that they all looked forward to and she was more than capable of managing. Now that he was adept at piloting the boat and Emir could manage casting off, there were more hands to help Eda.

Saturday dawned bright and clear. The family of seven headed off for the boat with an excited Sirius along for the journey. This wasn't his first adventure on the boat. A week after they rescued him a life vest for him arrived at the door. Defne explained to Serkan that he needed one because he was part of the family and should go with on their outings. The money pit was staying, Serkan talked Eda into keeping it and sharing ownership of the boat.

The Sezgin's met Aydan and Seyfi in the parking lot and Pyril became a little nervous, "Are we all going to fit on this boat?"

Aydan was busy saying hello to baby Can, so Seyfi answered, "No dear, the boat isn't really a boat it's a yacht. We'll fit and have more than enough room. There are even places for the baby to nap. Don't worry. Come." He headed down the dock to a waving Emir, one of his favorite young people.

Emir ran up to hug Seyfi, "You came! I even made Ayfer come, she was going to be boring and study but she can do that later. Serkan got me binoculars so we can see more of the coastline this time. Come on." He started tugging Seyfi along but Seyfi stopped.

"Manners Emir," he reminded him gently.

The boy blushed and smiled ruefully and walked over to Aydan to give her a hug, "Pardon Aydan. I didn't mean to forget you."

She hugged him back and patted his cheek, "All forgiven. Let me introduce you to Serkan's partners, Engin Sezgin and Pyril Baytekin-Sezgin. The baby is their son Can."

"Pyril, Engin, this handsome young man is Serkan's brother Emir." He shook hands with them politely and said hello, offering to take some of their things onto the boat. Pyril was looking at the boat in surprise, it was huge.

"This is the boat?"

Emir turned back to her, "This is Eda's boat, or was Eda's boat. It's out family boat now."

Pyril looked at Engin, "The family boat?" He shrugged and helped her to board after Aydan.

Once on board, Serkan made the introductions to Eda and Ayfer. Eda shook hands with Engin and Eda greeted Pyril warmly, "This handsome man is Can? May I?" Pyril handed Eda the baby.

"Oh goodness, I love this age. If you follow me Pyril, I'll show you around so that you may be comfortable with Can. I will show you where he can nap and where you can have quiet time with him." Serkan watched as his fiancée took charge of the situation and turned to Engin who was thoughtfully watching the departing women.

"What is it Engin?"

"I feel like I have fallen into an alternate universe. Never did I expect to see you in this setting so comfortable, but you fit. All this works for you and I am happy to see how content you are. I would say that I missed this version of you, but I've never seen this one. This is your best version of you," Engin said.

Serkan grinned, "I'll admit that I rather like this me too. For the first time in a very long time, I feel comfortable in my own skin."

"Daddy? Mama says that we can leave anytime and that if you don't get a move on Emir will have us floating in the marina." Kiraz came to deliver the message.

He picked up Kiraz, "Engin, this is Kiraz, or Kiki, Eda's daughter and my soon to be officially adopted daughter," he gave her a kiss on her temple, "Kiki tell your mama that Engin and I are on it. Go put your vest on, have Ebbie get hers on too. Did you show Mrs. Sezgin where baby Can's was?"

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