Chapter 11

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Serkan looked at her, "Custody? What are you talking about?" and then he recalled his conversation with the attorney the first day that he met the children. He instructed the man to find another relative.

Eda was looking on in bewilderment. Someone was here to take custody of the children? She was under the impression that Serkan had full custody of the children. Eda got out of the car and went to stand next to Serkan. The woman looked her up and down finding her insignificant before turning her full attention back to Serkan who she was eating up with her eyes.

"Excuse me," Eda interrupted the woman's visual raping of Serkan, "Custody? Do you have a custody order?"

Balca dragged her attention back to Eda for a moment and then dismissed her again to speak to Serkan, "According to the attorney you had no desire to take care of these children, you instructed him to find their nearest relative. That is me, their aunt. Therefore, I am here to take custody of them," she explained.

The slam of the SUV door registered with Serkan as Defne shot by them and unlocked the gate, Emir followed closely on her heels. He had to fix this, "That was weeks ago, they had just gotten dropped in my lap. I changed my mind. You can leave. Eda? Can you handle this?" Serkan took off running after Defne and Emir.

Balca watched him leave and then took in Eda again, "Who are you? The babysitter?"

Eda gave her a tight smile, "No, I'm Serkan Bolat's lawyer," Eda walked back to the car, retrieved her card case, flicked it open and handed a card to the woman, "If you have questions about the custody, please feel free to reach out to me. Now if you would remove your car? You're blocking our way." Eda stepped to the side and waited for the woman to move herself and her car.

Lifting her chin at Eda, Balca spat, "This isn't done."

She merely smiled a very fake smile at the woman, "I welcome the opportunity to speak with your lawyer. Good day ma'am."

Once the woman had pulled away Eda walked back to the car and got in, she was thankful that neither little girl woke during the interlude. Now to find out just what Serkan had done. Eda thought that he was managing well and that he and the children were bonding. If he was planning on giving custody of these children to that woman their relationship would be doomed.

Eda drove up to the house, woke Ebru and Kiraz, then shepherded the sleepy girls inside. She was in time to hear Serkan talking to Defne's bedroom door, "Open the door Defne, let me talk to you. I have no plans on giving up custody of you. None."

Settling the little girls on the sofa with a movie, Eda went upstairs to see if she could help. She rested her hand on his back as he leaned against the door, "Maybe I could talk to them?"

Serkan turned to her, she could see the distress in his eyes, "I didn't know Eda. When their nanny dropped them off at my office weeks ago, I was furious with the situation. I had just started to get back on my feet and then I was handed three kids. I was barely taking care of myself and had no idea of how I would take care of them, so I told the attorney to find another relative. Honestly? I forgot I had done that. I can't let them go now."

She rubbed her hand against his beard, "Let me talk to them. I already sent that woman away and told her to have her lawyer contact me. I told her that I was your lawyer."

He pulled her into a hug, "Thank you," Serkan dropped his chin heavily on her shoulder, "They aren't going to believe me Eda, but I have no intention of letting them go."

Eda held him to her, "It makes me happy to hear that Serkan. These children are starting to love you very much and for you to abandon them to her?"

"No, I would never. Please don't think that I would Eda. It may have taken me a few weeks to figure it out, but I won't let them go now."

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