When they find you slain

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Souma is worried sick when you don't come home after school. So he goes out to find you, thinking you may have been lost somewhere. Upon passing by the school, Souma sees a trail of blood leading into a narrow alley.Dread pooling in his stomach, Souma races into the alley, hoping it isn't who he thought it was.  Your body lay sideways in a puddle of blood, which soaked the ground in your fluid. Souma races to you in panic and shakes you, looking even more worried when you don't respond. Souma shakes you again and again, but you don't seem to wake up, nor do you even move. In tears, Souma begs you to wake up because he loves you so much, and he doesn't want to lose you like this. He doesn't even notice when the other saints arrive, and Koga holds onto him, making Souma cry even harder. You were all the love Souma desired to have in this life, and now, that love was gone, in another life. Oh gods...

Despite his dimwitted nature, Subaru does pick up on certain things. One of those things is realizing something is up when you don't come home and greet the saints. So Subaru races out the gates of Sanctury to find you, hoping to the gods you were alright. A trail of blood leading down to the beach makes Subaru run even faster, heart palpitating like crazy. He finds your body impaled with a rock going straight through your heart. Subaru goes down on his knees and yells at you to get up already. When you don't say anything, Subaru repeats his proclamation, looking increasingly frustrated. Again, you don't say anything. Subaru is driven to tears because you normally give such sweet and light-hearted replies to his fiery retorts, and he suddenly misses that.Subaru shakes you again and again, tears streaming down his cheeks because he wants to hear your beautiful voice once more. He's not even phased when the young saints show up to this scene and try to take you away from him. Subaru wants to be a God, yes, but it's you who he wants as his goddess.........
Ryuho is frazzled and concerned when he receives no call from you that you ever arrived home today. He goes to find you, his Saint armor materializing across his chest in worry. Ryuho's flurrying emotions must have alerted his father and Shunrei to his presence because as soon as he passes by their house, they are both running after him. But Ryuho doesn't slow down, knowing that you could possibly be in serious danger. At last, Ryuho sees you strangled by some vines in a tree. Ryuho pulls you down and begs you to wake up over and over again, praying you were still alive. You moved, not a muscle, and the floodgates opened up. Ryuho cries into your neck, cursing himself for not getting here in time and preventing this from happening. He doesn't even notice his father pulling him into a hug, and Shunrei grabbing your body to go bury it, being too deep in heartache. Ryuho misses you so much that it hurts him to feel like this.......
Haruto senses something is not right when you don't come back to Sanctuary like you said you would. So he uses his powerful ninja skills and goes out to search for you.Unfortunately, when Haruto sees a blood trail leading into the forest, he quickly speeds up. As Haruto gets further into the forest, he sees your body impaled with a tree branch and your eyes gently closed, as though you were at peace with your death.Haruto races to you in panic, shaking you desperately and stroking your face softly to see if that might wake you up. You don't seem to move, and the tears start rolling. Haruto repeatedly shakes you in tears, trying to get you to wake up and show him your beautiful e/c eyes. When you still don't move, Haruto clutches you to his chest and bawls, disappointed in himself for not saving you earlier. Haruto is so in depression that he barely notices when Koga and the others run up to him and immediately try to console him with the pain. Poor wolf boy refuses to speak with anyone at all, and his mood only gets worse.

Eden is very analytical, so he'll instantly calculate the amount of time you've been gone and race off to find your location. Eden searches high and low for you, but at first, there's no luck. Then Eden spots a long stream of blood leading down to the lake where you guys met. As soon as Eden goes further down the trail, that's when he sees your bloody and beaten body laying in the water. Eden rushes to pull you out and holds you close to his chest to see if he can hear a pulse from your heart. Sadly, you don't seem to have a pulse, and your cosmo has gone silent. Eden usually doesn't exhibit emotions like this, but he's panicking when you don't respond and resolves to continue trying to bring you back. It soon becomes clear that you have passed on, and Eden's broken tears signify that he knows this now. Eden is so saddened by your death that he doesn't even pretend to notice when Koga and the rest of the saints show up to his side. Upon seeing your beaten body, Ryuho, Haruto, Subaru, and Souma kneel down to observe how you died, while Koga and Yuna hug a sobbing Eden who's in major heartbreak territory.

Koga may be a huge goofball, but he's an even bigger worry wart, so your boy is namely a little scared at the notion that he can not feel your cosmo and believes that maybe you're in trouble or something. The other saints try to discern this theory, saying that you have the means to protect yourself, but Koga holds true to his statement, knowing that being in time to save your life is still the greatest thing he can do. So Koga quickly rushes off to where your cosmo takes him, which turns out to be the park. At first, Koga has no luck, then he happens upon a trail of blood that stretches all the way down the hill. Koga follows it, and to his shock, he finds your body deep in the thick, wavy grass with a knife impaled in your chest. Koga's knees feel unsteady as he wobbles his way down to where you lay in the grass. Koga yells at you to get up because he wants you to, but when you don't move, he states he wants you to wake up because as hard as it is for people to realize, Pegasus Koga would lay his life down for you no matter what danger he faced ahead. Koga shook you again and again, but tragically, he had no such luck in waking you up. Tears drip onto your beautiful face, giving out the impression that Koga is crying.  Koga tenderly strokes your face and kisses your cheek in tears, beside himself with anger about not saving you, but also with heartache because he could've prevented this. Koga's sobs were so loud that the rest of the crew and the Gold Saints rushed to his side in confusion and shock. Koga could not stop crying. He was so depressed by your death that he couldn't think straight. As the sky cried with rain, Koga cried with the tears of a broken heart. Poor Koga was so upset by your death that he didn't even see the saints burying your body in the ground behind him or feeling the strong arms of his mentor wrap his arms around his neck in a futile method of consolation. Even though he cried a lot for you, Koga knew it would not bring you back. Although Pegasus Knights were not supposed to cry, Koga felt it was necessary because your life had been in vain. Tears soaking his face and Seiya holding his waist, Koga vowed angrily that he would find your killer and bring them to justice, no longer how it took him to do so. Good boy....

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