Confessing their love for you

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"Hey, Y/N!"Be my girlfriend!"

No subtly from this guy in how he confesses to you, although Pegasus Koga isn't exactly known for being very subtle anyway. You can't believe your eyes when Koga shows up at your house with your entire family watching and suddenly blurts out those words, looking as if he'd run a marathon. You stand there in shock for a minute, not sure how to process this. However, Koga must've taken your silence as a way of saying no, as he barely gets out,"Okay, you don't feel the same," before the tears start rolling, and he starts walking back down the path. You roll your eyes and smile at Koga's antics, grabbing his arm, and before he can process it, kissing his lips. Koga stands there in surprise, realizing what this meant.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend, idiot. I never said no, not in a million years would I ever say no to you."

"Y/N, please be my girlfriend."
Ryuho is a bit more subtle when he confesses to you, having led you to Father's favorite bush of flowers before he could say a word. When Ryuho asked for your attention and brought you out here, it's safe to say you weren't expecting this. You smile and loop your arms around Ryuho's waist, adorning a kiss upon his head.

"Of course I will. I love you so much, Dragon Ryuho." "More than a thousand cosmos could ever describe."

"Y/N, be my girlfriend already!"
In the confessing department, Subaru is more than a little bit rusty and definitely needs some work, especially compared to Koga. You're shocked and taken aback when Subaru shows up in the middle of a sleepover with your best friend and yells these words, looking more annoyed than anything when he says them. If you gave Subaru an answer, you were probably going to regret it, but then again, how could you ever say no to those bejeweled red eyes? You sighed in exasperation and let go of your friend, who had clutched onto you when Subaru burst into your house. Standing up, you took Subaru's hands and kissed his cheek, letting him know that your answer was yes.

"I love you too, dork. I will be your girlfriend for all of eternity."

"H-Hey, Y-Y/N, be my girlfriend."
Souma is slightly more subtle than Subaru when it comes to confessing his love for you, but he was a literal blushing mess and repeatedly stumbled over his words. Souma's two friends, Koga and Ryuho, were behind a tree to encourage him along and make sure he didn't mess up on his confession. Koga may be oblivious sometimes, but he knows love when he sees it and immediately figures out you two are meant to be together.

Koga also instructed Souma to act casual when he's confessing to you, but not too casual as that would put you off. Souma did keep that advice in mind, but when he saw you smiling at him and waving, every bone in his body just melted. Poor guy could not stop stuttering and blushing through his confession and barely got any words out at all. Fortunately, you knew exactly what to say to this.
"You're a big sweetheart, Souma. Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I feel that love coursing through my veins when I see you every single day."

And then Souma faceplanted on the ground. After Koga and Ryuho woke Souma up, you kissed him on the cheek, and he felt like flying up to Heaven and landing on a cloud.

"Hello, Y/N. I would like you to be my girlfriend because I know we are meant to be together forever."
Honestly, Haruto is way too blunt about his confession to you, appearing randomly in the forest just to curtly whisper those words in your ear. Haruto had been thinking about what to say when he confessed to you, and those were the first words that came to mind. He had no idea that that confession made him sound like a really weird stalker who went after the ladies and hunted them down.
You sighed and facepalmed, then kissed Haruto on the cheek gently.
"Yes, Haruto, I'll be your girlfriend. Now get out of here before I kick your ass into the dirt for scaring me half to death like you did just now."

"Hi, Y/N. My love for you extends further than the cosmos. I was wondering if I could be your boyfriend, so I can show you how far our love together will go."
Aw, how cute. You had just been sitting at the river enjoying the peace and quiet when Eden appeared. The boy held a bouquet of ice flowers in his hands and barely reached you before speaking those soft and tender words. You were shocked, and your heart was all a flutter, not knowing what to say at that moment. However, you realized Eden was waiting patiently for an answer, so you snapped out of it and grinned, pulling him close to kiss those cold cheeks of his.
"Eden, I will be your girlfriend. And yes, you can be my boyfriend. Our love will be stronger than any cosmo."

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