Breaking up with them🥺💔

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Subaru would immediately get angry and declare that he needs you to become a God. When you don't respond, he becomes anxious and repeats his claim, his red eyes welling up. Subaru desperately tries to keep the tears at bay, and he can tell from your bridged lip that you're trying not to cry as well. When you leave out the doorway, Subaru runs after you with his arm outstretched, but you're already gone. He's left sitting on his knees, watching your hair disappear into the sunlight. Subaru doesn't mention it at all, but he really, really misses you....

Souma is upset and begs you not to leave. His eyes are welling up with tears, and yours are too. Souma grabs your wrist and whispers that whatever he did wrong, he'll fix it.Just please don't leave him. When you leave, Souma watches you in despair, tears already running down his cheeks. Poor guy is saddened that you wanted to leave him so soon and feel the piercing sting of heartbreak.....

Ryuho is shocked when those words leave your mouth and he looks about ready to cry. Poor guy desperately grabs at you, but you manage to break away from the guilt you're feeling and leave Sanctuary, a face of stone forming. Ryuho's basically in depression as his friends and father try to talk to him because, unfortunately, all he can do is think of your unforgiving and pained eyes....

Haruto doesn't say a word and simply stares at you, trying to keep his defenses up so you don't see his tumbling emotions. As soon as you leave, that's when Haruto's defenses crumble, and he drops to the ground in tears. Koga, unfortunately, walks by at that moment and sees Haruto on the ground, running over to him and instantly enveloping him into a hug. Haruto acts the opposite of his cold self and is saddened when the topic of you arises. He's stung hard by your decision, and it's very tearjerking.

Eden is shocked as well, but he manages to keep his ice-cold composure. The second you leave, he's breaking down on the floor and crying. You were the one who got him to feel real emotions, and now you were leaving him. Double injury, right to the heart. Eden remains depressed constantly, only thinking about you.

Koga's the one who will chase after you and grab your wrist, yelling at you to talk this out first. If you rip your hand away and continue walking, Koga will still walk behind you and keep shouting at your back, saying that you're making a huge mistake breaking up with him. He tries to wrap his arms around your shoulders like usual, but you being you, you push him down and run away in tears. Koga remains on the ground, stunned you would do something like this. Then, he stands up and brushes himself off with an irritated expression. Koga walks off to the bench you guys used to sit at and parks his butt there, rescimscing about all the fond memories you used to have together. Out of nowhere, a single tear drips down Koga's cheek, and suddenly, he can't stop crying. All the good times he had were with you, and Koga can never get those back....

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