I Love Izuku

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As Toga was in the gymnasium with her friends and the other members of the gymnastics club, they all took a break after a couple hours of training. So as Toga sat on the matted floor along with her friends they all begin talking to her about what they all saw.

~Friend 3~

"So captain, how did it feel?"


"How did what feel?"

~Friend 3~

"Oh you know, that hug."

Hearing this made Toga remember Izuku's hug which made her blush has she also remembered the feeling of his arms wrapped around her. For remembering this it made her blush which grabbed the attention of her friends.

~Friend 3~

"Judging by that blush on your face it must mean that you really like it."


"W-what? It was just a hug that's all. I-it didn't mean anything at all."

~Friend 2~

"Oh really? Then do you want to explain that blush all over your face?"

Being asked this, Toga did not know how to answer as she continued to feel the warmth of her blush which made her quite embarrassed from having her friends see her blushing face. So out of embarrassment, Toga covered her blush covered face with her hands, but even from her doing the it was still noticeable as they also noticed that the blush has spread to her ears as well.

~Friend 3~

"Look at her, she's all blushed up."

~Friend 2~

"Aww so cute."

~Friend 1~

"Stop it you two! Can't you see you're making Toga very flustered and uncomfortable!"

~Friend 3~

"Whoa chill. We're just teasing her a bit."

~Friend 2~

"Yeah, no harm done."

~Friend 1~

"Well this teasing stops now. If Toga said it was just a hug then it was just a hug, simple as that. Right Toga?"

Hearing her friend tell her this, Toga slightly begin lowering her hands from her face, only revealing her eyes, which she looked over at her friends where she then begin speaking to them in a soft tone.


"W-well actually, that hug felt very nice and I really liked it."

With Toga saying this, it made two of her friends smile at her, while her other friend just looked over at her with a shocked expression from hearing Toga say that. But eventually after Toga said this, their break soon ended which had them and everyone else the gymnastics club continue their club activity. But yet as their club activities continued, Toga's friends couldn't help but the ponder her feelings towards Izuku. Hours later, the gymnastics club activities have finally ended which had everyone part of the club leave the gymnasium and the school. So Toga and her friends were all heading to the train station. Yet on the way there, the four of them stopped at a convenience store to get a frozen treat. After getting they got their frozen treats they sat down on a bench together, so they could enjoy their tree. But as they sat there, Toga's friends wanted to ask her a question that they've asked her quite a few weeks back.


"These treats really do hit the spot after a long day of practice."

~Friend 1~

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