Izuku's Quest Begins!

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I know not how long I fell as the scenes rewound me. But when it stopped, I found myself in an empty building with cobwebs and dust abound. Wielding my blades, I ventured forth through the building and its various rooms. It was not like anything I expected. A massive ancient building full of decay and rot. The scent was overpowering. Corpses were in various states of decomposition as desks, shelves, and tables also rotted away. I shook my head and carried on. For an hour, I went through the building's various rooms. Finally, finding what appeared to be the actual entrance and froze where I stood.

Hanging from the rafters were five fresh bodies. A man, a woman, and three children, the oldest being no older than 10 and the two others at most 5 and 3. Hung by their necks as two knights cackled at the dead as they drank. "You bastards! How dare you do this!!!" I roared, scaring the two knights who drew their blades. Before I was able to rush them, everything froze as Zorvance spoke in my head. "Do you see it, young Izuku? The viciousness of true human depravity and greed? Your heroic heart is powerful, yes. However, in these times, you can not afford to let your kindness dull your blades. The only way for you to succeed is to bathe your hands in blood. The laws of this current world are not of your own time. Killing your fellow man is far harder than dusting demons to coin a phrase. You must kill in order to return to Momo and Melissa. Because for as noble an ideal as heroism, even heroes can't rehabilitate everyone. Some are beyond redemption. Should you succeed and return to your world, we will heal the damage the slaughter will do to your mind. Stay true, young Izuku, for you are the last hope of the gods. Without you, Momo and Melissa can not save the Earth."

I sighed, knowing what Zorvance said was true. I never wanted to be a murderer even though I yearned to slaughter those bastards on the torture planet. I knew taking lives would break me, especially if Momo knew what I had done. But now I must harden my heart and find the god's descendant. As well slay this evil queen to free the people from her reign. "I will return. Nothing will stop me. Come what may I will not fail Zorvance." I said as I poured all the conviction within my heart and soul into those words. I swore an oath to always be there for Momo, and not even death will stop me from proving my words true.

Time returned to normal as Zorvance thanked me for my honesty. The knights rushed as I smiled bright. Charging my blades with lightning, I blitzed past them in the blink of an eye. Slashing them each fifteen times in a split second. Exhaling, I sheathed my blades as the two fell to pieces. Their flesh charred and smoking from the heat of my lightning. With a sigh, I stood below the bodies of the small family. "I know not who any of you are. I now not what made them do this. But I will ensure you each get a proper burial. I pray you all find peace in your next lives." I said as I used wind to cut the rope from them one by one. Ensuring I caught their bodies.

Soon enough, I had used my earth powers to dig them each a grave before I buried them. Praying for their souls to find peace in a world bereft of pain. After I finished, I looked to the horizon with a soft smile. "It's a good thing I can speak English. As I'm not in Japan anymore. I only hope I can carry a conversation with the people of this time period. Sigh. It's time I make for a town and see where I am and if I can find any info on my targets." I sighed as I warped to the furthest point I could see covering miles in the blink of an eye. I continued to do so until I could see a town.

With a sigh, I walked the distance to the town as I had not wanted to show myself as having powers. Given the time period, I am fairly sure they'd either view me as a god or a demon. Neither was something I wanted. This quest was already going to be difficult enough. I didn't want it getting more so with either moniker. As I stepped through the gates, I was keenly aware of being a minority as everyone I saw was white. Making it more awkward. I was not sure if, at this time, they had met any Asian travelers, but given the reaction I received, I am fairly certain that very few in this village had seen any Asians before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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