Melissa's Gifts! Successor's Wards!

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     It's been a few hours since we woke up. Momo had been essentially interrogated by Mitsuki, Rei, and the other girls, much to her dismay. I thought it was funny watching her turn crimson and steam shooting from her ears. I had helped teach the fighters on the use of the weapons we had made as well as the tactics to use against our demonic foes. As that was going on, the medical teams had helped heal the various wounded, including Aizawa, much to Nemuri's happiness. But just as Nezu and the students finished finally restoring UA, a brilliant blinding light filled the sky.

    We all watched with baited breath and weapons at the ready. Before, Momo and I both felt it. That light was the very god what gave us our abilities. "Hold fire! That's an ally!" I shouted loud enough all could hear. The light slowly dissipated, and there in the center of the compound stood Zorvance with a smile. He stood at a towering 11 feet in height with an extremely muscular frame. His gilded skin and silver hair gleamed in the sunlight. His solid white eyes scan the people. "Very good young Izuku and Momo. You two have proven most valuable in the efforts to stop these demonic entities. As such, you have allowed me to appear within your barriers." His voice boomed full of pride for the hard work the two of us put into it.

    Various voices were heard ranging from shock and fear to belief and awe. "Thank you, Zorvance. We did our best just as you requested. We will not stop until all of the Earth is safe once more. But we owe you our very lives for the abilities you saw fit to gift us." I said as I stood before him with my head bowed. Momo beside me, mimicking my pose. "You owe me nothing, young ones. The efforts you are putting in to fulfill my requests are payment enough. But as you surmised before the rescue of young Melissa Shield, I have gifts for her and some information for you all as well." He said with a kind smile. We raised our heads in surprise as we heard Melissa  yelp out in shock.

     "Y-You have g-gifts for m-me?" Melissa stuttered out nervously as she gazed upon the mighty deity. "Yes, young one. Like Izuku and Momo, here you have the very soul of a hero worthy of the gods.  Will you accept these gifts?" Melissa swallowed hard as tears formed. The crowd watched in silent awe. A few were saddened that they weren't getting gifted powers like the three of us. "Melissa. You decide if you will get them or not. Zorvance won't force the powers on you. We need your help if we're to retake the Earth from the demonic hordes." I said as Momo set her hand upon her shoulder and gave a genuine kind smile.

   Melissa nodded before taking a few  breaths. She looked from Momo to me, then the rest before a determined fire filled her eyes. "Then I accept Lord Zorvance!"  She said with strength, filling her voice. Zorvance smiled as he reached out his hand and placed it on her head. We watched as power flew within her body, and light encircled them. After a bit, Zorvance nodded and removed his hand. Melissa was teary-eyed, smiling bright as she felt the powers flowing through her body. I nodded as Momo hugged her. We knew her powers were similar to ours in terms of energy manipulation, telepathy, warping, and strength. Yet, she has also gained incredible healing powers and summoning abilities. I smiled before turning to Zorvance and thanking him once more for the aid to our quest.

     "You are welcome, young Izuku. However, I bring unfortunate news. The one you know as All Might before he died had a successor. He was planning to gift her his power." That stunned everyone. We didn't quite understand as for the longest time quirks were only from birth, not transfer. Zorvance nods and explains the history of the two quirks OFA and AFO. Once he finished, he sighed with a frown. "However young Izuku.... his death happened mere days prior to when he was to gift her the quirk. She has since then fought the demons and scavenged for supplies. But in doing so, a young villain of indescribable madness and rage captured her. She was held prisoner alongside another brave young man and a few others until yesterday she and the others escaped the villain's grasp...momentarily. Without you three to save them, they shall fall to the hordes. Please, young Izuku, you three must head to Osaka and find them. They are in desperate need of your aid. Will you do this?"

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