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Because I love this aesthetic so much, so it's here again. ❤❤

Today's question: If you were given a chance to go on a romantic dinner with one of the male leads of my books, whom would you choose?

As Tashfeen walked by the corridor of his office, he stopped seeing Huzaifa standing in the far corner, talking something to one of the workers while having a file in his hand. In a lush black three-piece, he wasn't looking like that Huzaifa from the past. That guy was reckless, cheeky, fun-loving, witty, stubborn, and impulsive.

He styled himself with the more trendy fashion. He didn't take a step away from what he wanted. He fought for what he desired against any odds. But ever since Unaiza was struck by that incident, he had changed. So much that, two weeks ago he came to him and announced that he wanted to quit from his passion altogether.

In a decent business suit, with his black hair diligently combed behind, he looked really like a serious and hard-working businessman. Looking handsome, tall, strong, and muscled, he exactly felt a mismatch here. As those extremely handsome businessmen from those novels or movies. As though he belonged to some other world but he was stuck here. And within just a few days, he proved that he was really considerate when he said that he would be giving his best for his father's business, forgetting about all of the dreams he saw.

Huzaifa considered himself to be a reason for what happened to Unaiza. He perhaps thought that if he hadn't been adamant and listened to his father in the past, things wouldn't have taken such a dirty turn and Unaiza would have been saved. She wouldn't have been suffering from a coma-like this where her life was dependent on artificial oxygen. And that was what he deemed a payback for what had happened with her. She wanted him to patch up with his father and he would use anyway to give her every happiness she wanted so that she could live the life again.

Tashfeen was sitting in his office when a knock sounded and Huzaifa entered. He curtly greeted him before sitting on the seat in front of him. Tashfeen eyes' read him beneath this aura of a businessman and all he found was a newly found determination, a will, and a grief. This was what Tashfeen wanted from the start. That one of his sons would become his backbone and help his business to thrive after his death.

However, even after seeing this occurring with his eyes, he didn't feel any happiness or satisfaction. Huzaifa was very attentive, hard-working, and smart here. He indeed came as a breath of fresh air in this office with his new and intelligent ideas. But still, his masked upheaval wasn't hidden from his father.

He suddenly felt weird and now he realized that if Huzaifa was the reason for this state of Unaiza, Tashfeen himself also had an equal part in it. If he had been a bit lenient and understanding, nothing like this would have happened. Maybe this was a lesson for Tashfeen that it was Unaiza who suffered from this agony, not any real relation of his. Involvement of Unaiza has doubled his guilt, misery, and remorse. It had made him more hollow as compared to if it had happened with any of his own children or his relatives.

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