The Foreigner's Quirk Training With Class A

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The next day Keralynn and Reika met up with Tokoyami and Koda in front of the 1-A classroom. Aizawa walks up to them and explains to Keralynn how he'll explain to the class how they will introduce themselves to her. He explained how she'll come in and write her name on the board when he calls her. Lastly he explains that they will test her quirk with the others in a simple Hide n Seek game for their afternoon training. "Don't worry Kera, We're here for you. You can teach us more about your quirk after school." Reika said before she and Tokoyami walked into the classroom.

Koda looks down at her, realizing how much taller he is compared to her. "If you ever get overwhelmed by anyone, You can always come find me." He said as he smiled at her.

"Thanks, Koda." She said as she smiled, making him blush. He turns and walks into the classroom.

He sat down in his seat and put his head on his desk. "Why did I say that to her?" He asked himself, his voice sounding muffled. 'What is going on with me? I just met her and yet, why do I feel so weird when I'm around her? I don't understand what's going on.' He thought. He sat up when he heard Aizawa walk in.

"Alright everyone, get to your seats. Before we begin today's classes, We have a special guest with us visiting from the United States. A friend of Miss Takami's. But before I introduce her to the class there are a few......things that Takami must go over with you all." Aizawa explained. Reika stood from her seat and walked to the front of the class.

"It's as Mr. Aizawa said, She is a dear friend of mine from the United States, who just arrived yesterday. We were Penpals for a long time so this is her first time in Japan. I hope that you will all make her feel welcomed as my brother and I have. There are a few things I'd like to ask you all, some to do and not to do, if you will. One is that she gets overwhelmed very easily, so I ask you all not to ask her too many questions about her or her quirk. Ask her too many questions all at once and she'll shut down. If that happens then she'll run off, trying to find somewhere safe. Two is that she'll often put herself down, thinking that everyone is better than her. This is due to her upbringing and because of it she has some depression. Last is her appearance. Knowing her, she'll most likely walk into this room hiding some key parts of her. She'll wear a hat to hide her ears and she'll hide her tail under her shirt, wrapping it around her stomach or lining it up with her spine underneath her shirt. She isn't too fond of being what she calls herself, a monster. But for us, she's a neko. Also, sure she's a little on the chubby side and knowing that, I know some of you are dying to poke her stomach. She doesn't mind people poking her stomach due to all the foreigners who visit the United States. But ask her before you start poking. It's rude not to ask for her permission." Reika explains in a serious tone. She stands up straight with her hands on her hips. "Can I count on all of you to abide by these things we ask of you and make her feel welcomed here in Japan?"

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone says.

She looks at them in slight annoyance. "Now that just made me feel old. Oh well, that's all I have to say." She said as she walked back to her seat.

"Now that everyone knows some of the more important things about her, I want everyone to be on your BEST behavior." Aizawa said. He looks towards the doorway, seeing her peeking into the room and motions her to come in.

Keralynn takes a deep breath and opens the door. She walks in, shuts the door, and walks towards Aizawa. She turns to the chalkboard, picks up a stick of chalk, and begins to write her name in Japanese kanji. She then writes her name in English underneath before turning around, bowing towards the class. "M-morning everyone. My name is Keralynn Mayson. I'm a first year student in National Hero Academy's Hero Support course. As of two days ago, NHA is on their summer vacation. When sessions start back up again in the fall, I will be a second year." She begins to speak in Japanese. She stands up straight as everyone sees her eyes. "I hope I get to know each and every one of you during my time here in Japan." She smiles cutely.

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