13. "Not-So-Zealous Jealously"

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Disclaimer: Intense make-out session😈

Sam and Danny were in the corner of the room.

Sam's back facing the wall so he couldn't see who was there, and so who couldn't see he was there. He slightly glanced at the two who were exchanging playful banter. Danny had a drink in his hand, offered by some dude who looked like he was out of college, claiming he wasn't when Sam asked. Probably a super senior.. college super senior.

Sam glared at him a few times to assure him that he wasn't taking Danny anywhere.

"Fuck." Sam cursed under his breath. They were being corny and laughing at each other. Sam at this point was getting second-hand embarrassment. He turns around, facing the crowd of people. Of course, the moment he does someone just has to notice him. Was he really that presentable to the human eye?

"Oh- I didn't see you there!" A familiar voice calls.

Sam searched around for a moment, squinting his eyes before looking down. She was right in front of him. Wendy, drawing her hair to her right shoulder and offering a kind smile.

I don't feel like smiling right now.
But I'll be nice.

"Hi, Wendy." Sam greets. "Twice in one day."

"Babysitting Danny?" She questions.

Sam doesn't answer. He just side-eyes Danny. "He begged me to come with him."

Wendy lightly grabs his arms. "It's gonna look weird watching you third wheeling. He's not wasted, so he'll be fine." She bribes him to come with her, but Sam shrugs and looks away. Even so, she drags him along with her. She had a way with making something forceful look so.. un-forceful.

Eyes do travel to the two of them. The expected couple.

Samson and Wendy.

She leads him to an open place where the two of them had space and could chat. Sam didn't mind it much, he could still see Danny from a distance. They were right by a staircase.

A staircase..

Samson slowly looks up.

Of course, as expected.

At the very top of the staircase stood Casey. This time, by himself. He was leaned up against the railing, swirling his cup around, and staring right at Sam. For some reason, Sam had a sense he just got caught doing something wrong. His could feel his shoulders slightly tensing as goosebumps rose on his arms from a shiver.

"Wendy we should go- we should go somewhere else." Sam says, practically whispering.

He looked over, up the staircase again.
Like a horror movie, Casey had vanished from his spot.

He blinked in confusion. Before he knew it, he was yanked by his wrist. Whipping his head at Casey, who was next to him, smirking. He then looks at Wendy, his expression completely changing to a cold and threatening one.

She lends a weak smile as Casey's pupils dug into her skin. "Uh- hi, Casey." She greets

"Cut it with the kitty act around me. I know you're a bitch." Casey responds. "Finders keepers."

He turns and storms away, with Sam. Holding a tight grasp on his wrist. Sam looked back at Wendy as they trailed further. She didn't look surprised (more so annoyed). She had her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed as she watched Samson get dragged.

Help me!

Casey dragged him.. outside. Out the back door and on the back porch of the house. Surprisingly, no one was out. Which was a bad thing.

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