1. "Dear Casey,"

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Dear Casey,

I've always thought I've just been confused. You make me confused, Casey. You bullied me throughout middle school because of that one time I accidently called you out for skipping. I really didn't know you were skipping, and I believed the teacher was worried about you. You were so angry that you got other people to corner me after school the day after. It was the first time I'd ever felt small. Everyone had always liked me. I've always had a lot of friends. People like me because my demeanor is bold and I don't care what others think of me.

That was until I met you, Casey.

Your gaze was cold, your eyes were full of hatred and ignorance. You don't know why you hate but you hate anyway. It's like everything boils your skin.. But when I focus on you when you're pondering, uninterrupted, you're like a harmless soul. Your eyes are like a void of the ocean. Your face muscles are calm.

Your face in resting position, it's reassuring.

It's enticing.

And for somebody like me, Samson Darron, captain of the basketball team, to like somebody like you, Casey Waldon, the football team's most brutal player and everyone's childhood bully. The boy who would drag me to the boy's locker room after school and beat me to a pulp in 8th grade. Who would constantly degrade me, try and spread rumors about me, harass and make fun of me in class, torment me in public or at lunch, trip me, shove me, laugh, torture, etc. It would be more so expected for me to hate your guts, enforce revenge. I'm a tough guy with a tough attitude but for some reason it is Casey Waldon that knows how to put me in my place. How to make me feel so.. small. To take a liking to such a thing? It is crazy. I am crazy. Does this make me some sort of masochist?! No... it's really just those eyes of the sea that reel me in. Those ocean eyes. Your mischievous gaze. That smirk that likes to stretch across your face, how much distress it could cause one. I want to be closer to you. I want to find out why you are the way you are. I want you to caress me without it hurting.

I bet you've never had anyone write a letter quite like this one. I bet you've never had anyone like you quite like me...

Samson jumped and banged his fist on the table, startled from the reckless banging on the door. "You've got five minutes, little man!" His father shouts. Not long after, rapid footsteps faded.

Sam was reading his letter he wrote last year again. His feelings towards it were different every time. He hated it, and he would cherish it forever. He always thought about what would happen if Casey ended up receiving the letter... He'd probably beat him to death. The thought made him smirk, but it honestly wasn't that funny. Casey seeing the letter would be like instant rejection. It would really break his heart. Nobody can see the letter. It was only for him to read. Not even his friends. It was the first time Sam had spoken on a piece of paper about liking anyone, about being gay. If any of his friends found out he liked another guy he wouldn't be looked at the same. Casey at that? That's worse. Everyone's scared of Casey.

His door swung open. "Samson!" His dad shouted.

Sam snatched the paper from his desk and shoved it into his lunchbox, shoving his lunchbox into his backpack. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" He shouts, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

Sam was reminded this was his last year of high school every time he was brought upon the front of the school by his dad. He got out of the car and waved before his father drove off. Immediately after, a group of boys approached him, inviting him over with them.

Casey stood nearby, by a tree. Sam only got a slight glimpse of him, checking his watch and drawing his hair back, then leaning his head against the tree.

Letter To CaseyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz