12. "You make me nauseous."

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"Fuckin.. fuckin prude." Danny mumbles, his words slurring as he pukes in the toilet. Sam behind him, patting his back. "I'm gonna fuckin.. fuck him."

Sam rubs his back. "Are you saying you're going to fuck him or did you cut off your own threat just to say, 'fuck him'?" He asks.

"Both." Danny replies, and coughs.

Danny's nauseous.

There's periods of time in his life where he's really stressed all the time. He'll frequently get headaches and sometimes they'll get bad to the point where he'll get nausea, and get sick.

He's often stressed because of the way he's constantly mistreated.

"Alright.. I think I'm good now." Danny moves from the toilet and just sits on the bathroom floor. "Just- go into my room, I'll be there in a minute. I'm gonna shower." He dismisses Samson with a wave of the hand. He gets up and washes his hands.

Poor Danny.

Sam leaves the bathroom and closes the door behind him. He sits on his bed and waits, constantly checking his phone. It was getting late. He couldn't stay with Danny for long, but he would if he really had to.

There's a knock at the door.

Not long after, it creeps open. Danny's brother's head peeks in. He looked exactly like Danny, ten years from now probably. It was kind of scary.

"Hey, is he doing alright? Where is he?" Dallas questions.

Sam frowns and shakes his head. "He's about to get in the shower." He looks to the door.


Sam faces Danny's brother again.

"Thanks." He says. He stays there for a moment. Sam just stares, as he stares back, before retreating, apologizing for entering without warning, and closing the door.

About ten minutes later Danny comes out half clothed. He looked irritated. Maybe he had a little confrontation with himself while in the shower. He immediately started to shout. "I don't know why I let stupid un-fully-developed immature small penis bitches get to me!" He rants. "You know what, Sam. Fuck men! I'm straight now." Danny puts a hand on his hip.

Sam chuckles. "It doesn't really work like that, Danny. Although, I wish it did."

"Right?!" Danny agrees, sitting next to Sam on the bed. "I have an idea. We fuck, you can rub it in Casey's face, and I'll rub it in June's face."(The guy that Danny's upset over.) He concludes, nodding his head, as if it were one of the best and creative scenarios he's ever come up with.

"I don't know about that one, Danny.." Sam honestly replies.

Danny sighs. "That's right.. you're still a straighty-gay-whatever the fuck." He lays his back down on the bed.

Sam laughs.

Danny grabs ahold of Samson's arm. "Sam.. please.. go to the party with me! I need someone to hold me back so I don't do anything stupid!" He pleads. "Remember last time? I either find myself making a fool out of myself or following some dude from another school in his car."

Sam yanks him off. "No Danny. No parties. Just don't go."

"I have to!" He whines. "Parties make me feel better!"

"I'm not going."

"Sammm.." Danny draws out his name. "Sammm!" He tugs his arm. "Pleeease!" He starts shaking him.

"Fucking- stop!" Sam shouts. "Alright! I'll go!"



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