Chapter 48

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- Lumine -

Albedo, that name was spoken by the Acting Grand Master to Hertha shortly after the attack on Mondstadt. The context of which is name was used when we were trying to figure out our next step of action. Amongst the relocation efforts and making sure that both Springvale and Dawn Winery had made it fine from the attack, we reached out to the Liyue Qixing as well as this 'Albedo'. From whom I learned is the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius.

He's a bit taller than me with bright teal eyes and pale everything else. His skin is almost as white as the snow in front of us and his blonde hair wisping at his shoulders, tied back in a half ponytail. Based on his face alone I would put him around the same age of Irma who's in her twenties. Maybe even a bit younger than that. His outfit consisted of a long white coat with dark and golden adorning's. His shirt a dark blue, dark short, and boots that reached up to his thighs. A strange outfit for cold weather but he didn't seem to mind at all.

Irma immediately spilled out a string of apologies as she got off the Alchemist, tossing the small shovel aside.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

He shook his head then offered her a small smile, "No need to apologize. I'm completely fine."

Ariana dropped Irma's sword at her side as we both relaxed. When we heard Irma yell the both of us had been quick to wake up. We feared that it was more Rifthounds, or even worse, the Phoenix. I let a tired breath escape from my lips as I sheathed my blade once more.


Huh? I turned around to look at Ariana, only to find her doubling forward. My eyes widened as I fell to catch her. Her body completely fell forward as she passed out, straight into my arms. Her weight knocked me back a bit but I managed to ease her onto the floor even in my tired state. Irma came rushing forward, shaking the elf lightly.

"Ariana?" When she gave no response she put two fingers along the side of her neck. Once she confirmed a pulse she sighed, "I'm guessing the Cursed Energy finally got to her."

The snow crunched beside us as our new guest kneeled forward. I pulled myself to the side as Albedo reached down to touch her forehead. It stayed there for a moment before he scanned the rest of her body. He eventually reached down and pulled out Ariana's wrist. Her small hands laid still as he examined their black edges.

It was strange though. Even though the markings at the end of her fingers resembled those on Irma, they were also different. Irma's markings snaked up her arms like blackened veins while Ariana's looked foggy. The rounds of her lips also looked a bit swollen, as if she had eaten something bad. Was it some weird side effect of the cold?

Irma turned to me, "We need to get her inside with everyone else."

"No need. I actually came to lend my assistance." Albedo got up then turned to a large wooden sled not too far away from us, "I received the letter from the Logistics Captain a couple days ago. I've been meaning to send a response but as you can see...the situation on Dragonspine is more complicated that you'd imagine. A day ago I noticed a strange light coming from this part of the mountain while conducting some research and took a guess that it must've been the Knights of Favonius.

It seems that my guess was correct."

Relief filled Irma's eyes, "Does that mean you also predicted this effect on our bodies? Have you come up with any way to counter it?"

I looked between both of them. Irma was from a different world where she already knew the people here. So if she had this much faith in Albedo then that must mean he's a good person. A good and intelligent person.

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