The Outlander Who Caught the Wind: Part 3

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"May the Anemo God protect you, stranger!"

Um, thanks I guess? I'm not really sure I want some alcoholic bard protecting me. Archon or not. Especially not after he just left Dvalin to make do with me and Paimon a second ago.

"I am Amber," She clicked her heals together then made a quick motion from her left shoulder towards the ground with her right arm. The other remained firmly positioned behind her back, "Outrider for the Knights of Favonius!"

I had to keep myself from smiling at her. Belief it or not, Amber is one of my favorite characters! Like...look at her! How could you not like someone so cute and caring. Not to mention I love her confidence when it comes to her abilities. Especially when it comes to wind gliding.

Though, I do have to confess I never put her on my team. When I did, it was just for some fun exploring. Never to go out for battle or anything. I never built her well like I should. Should I apologize for that? No, I'm pretty sure anything I would say would freak her out. Best to keep things like that to myself.

"You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt. Explain yourselves!"

In that case, should I make up the most unlawful excuse that I can? How about drug dealers? That sounds like a good cover. Paimon can be my selling assistant. Too bad Paimon beat me to the punch.

"We're not looking for trouble."

"That's what all the troublemakers say."

Should I just introduce myself normally then? That was honestly the safest option at the moment. The drug dealer thing can be used later on unsuspecting victims.

"Hi, my name is Lumine."

"...doesn't sound like a local name to me. And this," she slowly turned to Paimon, "what's the deal with it?"


"She's emergency food."

Paimon kicked angrily in the air before putting her hands on her hips, "Hey! That's even worse than being a mascot!"

Let the name calling begin.

"So to sum it up, you're traveling partners right?"

I glanced at the thing hanging from the hip of her shorts. I'm guessing that was her Pyro vision. Hanging from it were also two things that appeared to be feathers. Hmm, I always wandered if those were the feathers that Jean let her take from that magical bird.

"Well look, there's been a large dragon sighted around Mondstadt recently." Tell me about it. It almost ate us a moment ago, "Best you get inside the city as soon as possible. It's not far from here. I'll escort you there."

"Oh? Aren't you out here for some other reason?"

I nodded. Yes, please don't take us with you. I'm not really in the mood to do the whole killing more Hillichurls thing. It doesn't matter if I have to buy a wind glider myself. 

"Yeah, you must be super busy. We can get there on our own."

"I am. But not to worry. I can keep you both safe while doing that too. Besides...I'm still not sure I can trust you two just yet!"

Please no. Knowing Amber, there wasn't going to much of a negotiation. She was going to have us follow her no matter what. 

Right now, her unwavering determination that I usually admired about her was getting a bit annoying. Please, I just want to go lay down somewhere that isn't made of sand. And eat food that doesn't have crab in it.

"Why do you have to be so suspicious?" I asked with a sigh.

"Oh, ahh...I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight. I give you my apologies, uh...strange yet...respectable travelers."

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