Chapter 19 (Lumine)

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Keep around Windrise and be careful.

I know I made them promise that they'd stay hidden but its only natural that I'd feel like this. Poor Paimon was feeding off my uneasiness and couldn't keep her tongue. Every guard that we passed she would greet unnaturally then proceed to tell them we weren't doing anything wrong. 

You can imagine the weird looks that they gave us. I fiddled with my hair. What if they increased the patrols this morning again? It could be only a matter of time before they send someone out and find them. There wasn't even many places they could hide in Windrise. It was a literal field. Would it have been smarter to have them stay at our camp from last night?

No, that would only prove to be a hassle when bringing Jean over. Right now I'm heading over to the headquarters under the pretext that I wanted to learn more about the tree at Windrise. James said it might work in grabbing her attention. Just tell her who it was named after and that I wanted a personal tour.

The more Paimon and I thought about it, the dumber that it seemed. Its not like we had any other plans so this was going to have to work. That or we would have forcibly drag Jean out there which I'm not even sure I'm physically capable of doing. I picked up my speed as we climbed up the steps.

"We got this Paimon!"

Paimon raised her fist, "You can do it Traveler!"

I looked at her. So that was her way of telling me she wasn't going inside with me. Wow, after everything we've been through. No, all the meals that I've bought her this is how she repays my kindness. Fine I can always find new emergency food anyway.

As soon as we strummed through the door with nervous confidence Kaeya sighed in relief. I had a feeling that we were about to be dragged into something again. He came forward from the other side of the Favonius building with a tired smile on his face.

"Oh, thank the Thousand Winds! Traveler, you arrival must be the face of the gods! If I may ask - envoy send by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal - could you spare a moment?"

Strange why didn't he seem to be affected like the others. As he drew in closer with his flattery words I took notice of his eyes. No, he was, then this must be him putting up an act of some kind. He was pretty good at acting then. I was almost fooled.

"Ewwwwww, cut it out!"

I conquer with Paimon.

"Actually we're here to meet with Jean. After we're done we can help you with whatever you need."

"Hmm, your looking for Jean? And here I thought the gods had graced me with an angel from the skies. Since she's not here at the moment, why not help me with this one little thing?"

She's not here? Where could she be then? She didn't head to Windrise did she?

Paimon cleared her throat, "Do you mind telling us where she went then? We're on very important business!"

"It saddens me that your able to toss me aside like this. And here I thought we were friends. How about this then? I'll find out where she is for you if you help me? Come one, please? I cannot let my peers hear about this! I cannot seek help from anyone else but you."

He looked at me so desperately that it was hard to say no. would be good to get him on our side as well. Especially if we can't thing through with Jean, it would be great to have another voice of reason on our side. This would also assure us uninterrupted audience with her as well. I sighed, fine. I guess we could help.

As soon as the breathe escaped my lips a stunning smile spread across his face, "Wonderful. Please, let us move to somewhere more fit for such conversations. Let's talk in the courtyard just outside the headquarters. Come with me."

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