Chapter 18 (Ariana)

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This idiot. Always walking into things without thinking them out first. Its one thing to lead with your heart and its another to be so small-brained you let your anger doing all the talking. I shoved all of our books into my bag. They'll rearrange themselves inside.

Like honestly, would it hurt to sit down and think about it for two seconds? No, no it wouldn't. What would hurt him is if he almost killed another innocent person. Oh, The Tales of the Heart is a good one. That has to come. Yesterday he was one centimeter from slicing the delivery man's throat because he didn't recognize him

I even told him a few days before that I was receiving materials from a new supplier. Since most of the fabrics I used weren't stain resistant I wanted to make some samples and see how'd they'd sell. Though I'm sure that I'll have to raise the price on these a bit. Parent's might be more inclined to buy them since my main market are smaller children through I do get the occasional teen or adult.

"Ghost of my Archons Past?!"

This one has to come with me for sure. Ugh, I can't believe that he has me following him all the way to Mondstadt. Why couldn't this have happened a few weeks earlier when I was already there to share a glass or two with Venti? I'm still tired from the trip. Damn grandpa.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and then locked up shop. Okay, so technically, he wasn't making me go with him. It was more me going out of my own free will because I was afraid he'd do something stupid. Oh, I just hope I don't run into The Traveler. I wouldn't know what to say. What if I stutter or mix up my words. Just thinking about it is making me nervous!

Should I fix my hair in a way that will hide my ears? I already changed my outfit to match more the style of Mondstadt. This is what I usually wear but I do go in the middle of the night so the only ones who might recognize me are the guards. No, no, I'll be fine.

I was not fine. I was hoping to make it there sometime during the day but it was already dark as I staggered up to the gate. Two guards that I hadn't seen before almost attacked me to! I casted a forgetting spell on them and strutted in feeling a bit warry. The air was much more tense than it was before. Whatever happened must've put these people on high guard.

Just then I heard a low deep throated growl from a very familiar skill. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the tavern. What was this man thinking bringing out Ravina at a time like this? Actually, no this is good. Let him use up his energy. Maybe that'll calm him down a bit more.

His large white wolf growled at a group of Knights that were attempting to tame him. Around four guards surrounded the large creature as it barred it's fangs. Even though they didn't have their weapons raised and spoke to it in soft voices, Ravina wasn't going to let them take her anywhere.

"One, two, one, two, little puppet men move as strings pull along their limbs." One by one the guards stiffened. Their arms smacked at their sides as they marched along down the street in perfect line. When they wake up from the trance they won't remember anything. Hopefully. Sometimes my magic isn't the most efficient. That's only natural though when your self-taught.

Ravina sat down, her tongue hanging from her mouth. I patted her snout gently before telling her to rest. When she closed her eyes, her body disappeared in a puff of golden smoke that floated underneath the cracks of the tavern. As I was about to enter, Zhen walked out with a disappointed look on his face.

I was about to tell him off when I noticed who was standing behind him. Oh, cheese and crackers! Woosh! Zhen seemed to have detected my presence because his disappointment was replaced with annoyance. Kaeya walked around him and stretched out his hand.

"Shall we be on our way or have you changed your mind? In that case, I can recommend you a comfortable place to stay," He smiled, "Preferably outside the city walls." 

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