A wrong Interview

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As they arrived at the shoot location, everyone was in high spirits despite the constraints due to the pandemic. The building near HYBE was reserved exclusively for their use, ensuring minimal contact with others and a safe environment for their activities.
Once they got off the car, they walked inside, greeted by a few familiar faces from the staff. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as they headed to the makeup rooms to prepare for the shoot.

Seventeen was allocated four dressing rooms:
- The first room housed the '95 liners (Scoups, Jeonghan, Joshua) along with Dino.
- The second room was designated for the '96 liners (jun,Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi).
- The third room accommodated the '97 and '98 liners (Mingyu, DK, Seungkwan, Vernon, The8).
- The fourth room was set aside for Miu, giving her a private space to get ready comfortably.

Additionally, there were two makeup rooms:
- One for the '95 and '98/'99 liners.
- One for the '96 and '97 liners.

### Dressing room 1(95 Liners + Dino)
Jeonghan was busy fixing his hair, while Joshua and Scoups teased each other. Dino, always the playful one, was trying to get their attention with a funny talk.

### Dressing Room 2(96 Liners)
Hoshi was talking to jun about some random topic, while Wonwoo and Woozi were quietly going through their phones.

### Dressing Room 3(97 and 98 Liners)
Mingyu, DK, Seungkwan, Vernon, and The8 were chatting animatedly, sharing jokes and light-hearted moments to ease any pre-shoot nerves.

### Dressing Room 4 (Miu)
Miu appreciated the private space, taking a moment to herself before the hustle of the shoot. She began getting ready, mentally preparing for the day's activities.

As Miu looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. The dress, though stylish, was far too revealing for her taste. She tugged at the hem, trying to make it longer, but it was no use. She turned to her stylist, a mix of concern and hesitation in her eyes.

"Unnie, this dress is really uncomfortable," Miu said softly, hoping for a solution. "Is there something else I could wear instead?"

The stylist shook her head, a sympathetic yet firm expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Miu, but this is the dress the designers specifically chose for the shoot. You have to wear this one."

Miu bit her lip, feeling a knot form in her stomach. She wanted to protest further, but she also didn't want to cause any trouble. With a deep breath, she nodded reluctantly. "Okay, I'll wear it."

The members were bustling around their dressing rooms, getting ready for the shoot

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The members were bustling around their dressing rooms, getting ready for the shoot. Hair stylists and makeup artists worked diligently to perfect their looks. Amid the flurry of activity, Miu remained in her dressing room, feeling more and more uncomfortable in the revealing dress she had been given. A knock on her door broke her thoughts. Before she could respond, the door opened, revealing Mingyu and Seungkwan. Concern was evident on their faces as they stepped inside.

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