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I felt my phone buzz against my hand.

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time.

It was 1:30 am.

The number read: Rome General

That's the hospital.

What were they doing, calling me?

I answered.


"Hi. This is Ludovica Arren with Rome General hospital. Are you Marco Amerrgio?"

"Yes.. This is him".

"I am here to inform you about a patient. Do you know Serena Aiello?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

Concern started rising.

I knew the tone of voice all too well.

I've been here before.

When my sister was dying.

And they called me.

Don't take Serena away from me too.


"W-what happend?" I ask, straining my tears.

Stay strong, Marco.

"She arrived at the hospital unconsious. She's suffering many injuries resulting in the loss of a lot of blood. You were on her contacts list, sir". 

I need to get there.


"I'll be there in about ten minutes". I say.

She hung up.

I wanted to break down and cry.

But I have to get there.

I threw on my shoes and slammed the gas.

I was breaking laws, that's for sure.

Don't go, Serena.

I love you I love you.

This whole story wasn't over.

I had blurry eyes.

I rememberd when I did this once- two years ago.

When I got the phone call.

But that time they said she was for sure dead.

This time, Serena might have some life in her.

Just drive, Marco.

I thought about the hospital doors.

Those damn doors.

That they wheeled her behind and wouldn't let anyone see her.

Those cold tiles.

The ones I fell down on when I found she was actually gone.

I parked my car in the lot, and sprinted.

Serena, if you can hear me- wait for me. At least for me to say goodbye.

Because I never got that chance before.

I ran to the counter.

People were staring at me.

There must be a lot of people in here tonight.



"I'm here to see Serena Aiello". I say hurridedly.

Afraid•Niccolo Genoveder Rossi •Where stories live. Discover now