Chapter 10: Guilty Conscience

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The next morning, Takuya's father was packing up with the help of some servants. He wasn't planning on returning for at least half a year, very interested in the partnership their company was being offered. Kainei wasn't a very wealthy country - rather small, both in population and land, considering it was an island - but they did have one natural resource that virtually no other place in the world had. That, of course, was the fact that only their waters could produce Keu pearls - pearls with a golden hue.

As such, Hideki was very interested when he was asked to come take a look at them. They wanted his help to not only use them in creating high-end jewelry but to lend his name to them to make them more renowned. If the Athainian noble family with a reputation for both quality goods and the finest jewels in the eastern side of the world was attached to them, their value would skyrocket. Kainei would benefit greatly from that. In return, they were willing to give him exclusive rights to use them as long as he came to discuss it in-person.

"Does it really have to be six months?" Takuya mumbled, scooting a bit closer to his father, "That seems a little...long."

"You won't be alone. And you know you can always call," Hideki smiled, gently patting the boy on his shoulder, "I would...enjoy it if you wanted to join, too."

The white-haired male gave a surprised expression, but, immediately, his smile faded as he turned back to look at (Y/n). Well, it wasn't as if his father didn't expect that. Takuya had come to need her, so it was no surprise he wouldn't be able to go. The younger girl didn't really like leaving the country. She had her own responsibilities and obligations in Athain anyway - ones she could not just abandon to go along to see an island. So, Takuya would stay with her. He just wished his father would stay, too. That was a wish made in vain.

"Alright," the man nodded, bashfully taking his hand back from his son, "Then, that's that."

"Wait," the younger girl perked up, casting a nervous glance to Takuya, "Is his know?"

"I couldn't tell you, I'm afraid. Ichika is...a bit of a free spirit. Would you like me to see if I can contact her?"

"No. No, it's okay."

Hideki gave a sympathetic look. He wouldn't be caught dead saying anything negative about his wife, but he did realize (Y/n) did not get along with her. They both had very strong personalities. (Y/n) didn't like Ichika because she was egotistic and Ichika didn't like (Y/n) because she was inhumanly clever. All the same, there wasn't much Hideki thought he could do.

Or, rather, maybe he just didn't care enough. The (h/c) haired girl was new to him whereas he'd known his wife for nearly two decades. But it was strange. Takuya - despite the fact he idolized his father above all others - did not feel the same about his would-be lover. He'd only known her for barely a year, and, yet, he trusted her more than anyone else. Even then, as his father stood in front of him, it was her he was closer to. He liked it that way.

All the same, Hideki departed from the house, on his way to his big deal, leaving Takuya behind. The white-haired male gave a strange look all the while. It was as if he could not fathom anything different. Perhaps he'd been through that kind of departure too many times for it to carry any weight anymore. Or, maybe, that was just what he kept telling himself. (Y/n) knew better, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. He blushed.

"Can we," he paused, glancing to the ground, "Can we have breakfast together?"

"I think I'd like that, actually."

Somewhat stunned at the positive response, Takuya scurried along behind the younger girl. He wasn't entirely sure where she was going, but, because of her confidence, he followed. The male probably should have figured out she was going to the kitchen. It only made the most sense. But he also knew that she could be, oftentimes, unpredictable in nature. She thought very differently than him. That was part of her charm though.

A Storm In A Teacup (Yandere Heir x Reader x Yandere Idol)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu