Chapter 6: Unalike

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After their date, (Y/n) managed to convince Takuya to get a check-up at the hospital. He resisted every step of the way and did all he could in order to wiggle out of it despite the fact he was already there. Nonetheless, he did end up sitting in front of his doctor, who stared at him like he was a ghost. The man almost didn't recognize him, only really remembering him from when he was very, very small.

It didn't matter much, considering the man just started getting into the questions. With the younger girl's help, he was able to convey his difficulties sleeping, of which his doctor scribbled down. They went over a few different things, the man attempting to see what he'd tried to combat it. Before long, he had checked off all the boxes he had. Takuya really had tried everything to get to sleep, but, still, he suffered from insomnia.

In the end, the most the man could send him back with was a bottle of pills, but the white-haired male threw them right in the trash. He'd already tried those and every other variation of them, but, obviously, they hadn't worked. So, now he was stuck at the same place he was before the trip. He'd just wasted an afternoon to get that result confirmed, and, worse, his mood had become one of despair because of it.

"I told you," he mumbled, "I'd fall asleep if you...just slept with me."

"You know why I can't."

"But then what's the point of me?! If I can't - Then you won't - And then you'll leave me!"

"I won't."

"You will. You're always trying. You almost got away once, too!"

Seeing Takuya angry was rare. He didn't direct that emotion at her, primarily because his thoughts were always on his love for her. But, when he was angry, it came out in large, violent bursts. In this case, it was her fault in the first place for dragging him to the hospital and giving him false hope. But, if she tried to make it up to him, there would only be one thing he wanted. And, if she caved into that, it would only be making it harder for him in the long run.

He'd always shown urges to lock her up one way or another. Among other things, he'd tried nailing her windows shut and placing a servant next to her at all times. About every five minutes, one of the servants would message him to send him updates about her when he was away at work. That way, he'd know if she tried to run. Still, he was right. She had tried to run before - not that she'd succeeded - but he had the wrong idea about her motives. There wasn't any way she could tell him either. He wouldn't be able to wrap his head around it.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, suddenly tearing up again, "I didn't mean to yell...Please don't hate me."

"I just wanted you to get better. You know that."

"They can't help me. You're the only one that can, so..."

"What? Finish the sentence. 'So, if you really wanted me to get better, you would sleep with me'. Is that it?"

Takuya hung his head. He thought it was worth a shot. The male wasn't very good at finding other people's weaknesses and he definitely didn't know what to do with them once he had them either. She would outsmart him no matter what he tried. Still, she pitied him, bringing him closer and hugging him tightly. At moments like those, he couldn't help but take advantage of that pity, even if he had to pretend like it was love. He had never quite figured out it actually was love; another reason she would continue outsmarting him.

Back home, the white-haired male fled to his room, ignoring everyone he passed. That left her to explain everything. Everyone gave disappointed gazes when she told them he was still going to suffer from insomnia. His father, too, took the news heavily. But there was one servant that continued lingering around her even after she moved back to her room. He waited to be addressed, rocking side to side before she finally snapped at him.

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