Chapter 36- An Day Together

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As I hurried to decide what I was going to wear, I stumbled over my favourite shirt and pants during highschool. I had kept it very carefully in a box. Over the outfit on the box, there was a note, that I had written when I and Perth quit our friendship. 

Since that day, I had not wore nor seen this outfit. It had been quiet a while since I had even forgotten what I had even written on the note.

As I lifted the note, I read it.

[Wear this again when you go out with Perth again.]

It was a small note but it meant way more than a million feelings. I am feeling to hapiness rushed over me. 

Maybe Perth and I were getting back?

And then my overthinking thoughts pushed the hapiness down.

It may still be because of some bet or prank.

I got ready and I was going to sit on the couch to wait for Perth but that is when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door only to see Perth. And to my surprise, he wore the same dress that he had worn when we last went out in highschool. 

I got many exciting thoughts but I pushed them all down thinking that it was just a coincidence.

"Let's go.." He said while spinning his Porsche's key in his finger. I nodded as I locked the door of my dorm.

"You wore something comfortable right?" He asked as I looked at him suspiciously.

He smirked back," We are going somewhere after having lunch."

I widened my eyes. 

Nor I knew where we were going for lunch and the place after that

"Can I get any hints?" I asked as we reached the ground floor and exited from the lift.

"Umm. A place that you really wanted to go in highschool." He said as he opened the door of his Porsche for me to sit down.

A place that I wanted to go in highschool?

I couldn't remember cause when me and Perth quit our friendship, I became almost like a ghost and pushed out and tried to forget all my memories with Perth.

I didn't forget all but this saying is familiar but I just couldn't remember that in answer to this saying what I had said.

I zoned out as I stared outside trying my best to remember what was the place that I really wanted to go with Perth when I was in highschool.



I could see him zoning out while staring outside. Probably trying his best to remember what was the place that he really wanted to go with me when we were in highschool.

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