Nagi - Catchup!!

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A/N: hi.... im back :')

>First Encounters

Nagi is playing online games 24/7, but never really made friends there. It's not like he had much of a reason too, most players he'd only play with once in his life. Until a while ago. This user, [user] was in every 3 games he played, every time he played Mario Party, they were there. Even across other games! Tetris, honkai, pjsk, etc!

It was probably mainly because he was playing Local everytime- but Nagi was very interested in this user

He was world hopping in Genshin once, and just happened to join [user]'s

Nagi immediately recognized the user, and sent a message,



"Are you [user]? I keep seeing you in all my games"



"CH0K1 right? Yea ur everywhere LOL"


"Mhm, didn't think i'd find someone who plays so many of the games i do


You guys kept the convo going as he played with you, asking him about random things, game recommendations, manga he likes, literally anything

This was the first friend Nagi made on his own, he was actually pretty excited to talk to someone

Eventually you had to go, so you logged off as Nagi played a bit more. But it didn't feel the same without you, so he hopped off soon after.

It was funny, you two would hop on around the same time everyday, play for a while together, and maybe switch games once in a while

After some time, he asked for you discord, since you two played so often together anyway. He hadn't heard your voice at all, and he wanted to at least know you before he could admit to crushing

He got your username and added you quickly. You both sent the wave emoji and friended each other

"Wait, one mutual friend?" Nagi looked at the tab and clicked it, was there someone you both knew??


Mutual Friends - 1
-> Reo Mikage 💸💸


Nagi took a stared at it for a moment in confusion before messaging Reo,


Reo, do yk @[user]?

$$ Reo $$
Yea she's in our math class??

Doesn't she sit right beside you?


Nagi was shocked, there was no way... RIGHT??? He trusted Reo though, and maybe he could meet you


Ur friends w/her right?Can i meet her?

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