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That morning when he sat beside Unaiza in ICU, all his heart wanted was to get her senses resonated with his own so that she could hear him. She didn't know what she was doing with him. He never found himself this disheveled and reckless before. He wished for her one stare, one smile, and one voice. When would this miracle happen?

Huzaifa sandwiched her hand between his palms as recalled every single word from her diary. She was suffering so much. He never knew her love for him would bring so many insecurities, miseries, and sorrows in her life. She thought he wouldn't take her seriously if once he found out that she loved him.

She bore all those tears, self-doubts, and grieves alone. Even after their marriage, she was in pain. She smiled on a surface level but Unaiza was in so much agony. He should have at least given her an indication that he loved her but everything was par now.

"Are you feeling me, Iza? Are you feeling my love for you? Are you hearing me? I know you can hear me, you can feel me and you can understand me," he murmured, staring into her closed eyes.

"I read your diary yesterday. I know I shouldn't have but I didn't feel weird because your diary was filled with me. It wasn't a breach of privacy. It was a confession of the heart. Your innocent and beautiful heart who fell in love with a jerk like me. I feel like a culprit, Iza. You got all those sufferings till date because of my love. Right?" He asked to her sleepy form.

"Wake up and stand for your rights. Let me love you like there's no tomorrow, Unaiza. Let me care for you. Let me clear your every doubt. Just heard today that Huzaifa Tashfeen Malik only belongs to Unaiza. His heart, his love his body, his soul, and his thoughts; they all just belong to Unaiza. There is none between us. Your innocent heart attracted me and made me even more attracted to you. Now wake up and let me hug you. Let me kiss you and let you shower you with my love. Let me make you feel even more special. You are going to wake up, Jan E Man," he said, squeezing her hand.

Today nothing didn't feel good. He had a huge weight over his heart after reading her diary. And seeing her face, his anger got aggravated for himself. He got up and kissed her forehead.

"Unaiza, my heart echoes with your heart. My heartbeats match and catch your beats. My soul gets connected to your soul. My body feels solace and comfort with your body. My mind finds peace with your mind. My misery is linked to your misery. My happiness pertains to your happiness. My smile intensifies with your smile. I, Huzaifa Tashfeen Malik, love you, Unaiza, too. I love you too," he murkier in her ear before laying a brief glance at her unconscious figure. He sighed as he left the room.


His manager's jaw dropped upon hearing what Huzaifa was saying. He thought he misheard. How can he just speak something like this?

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