Jeongcheol 37

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Nine in the morning, but still quite as fuck.

Jeonghan entered inside the apartment he had visited only once before today, that day though he was too messed up to look around, but as the door opened revealing the brown coloured walls, Jeonghan removed his shoes and tossed it in the shoe rack inside.

Well, he would definitely call it breaking into apartment but since Seungcheol hadn't heard the doorbell Jeonghan was ringing from the past fifteen minutes, anything at this point that Jeonghan does should be none of his fault.

And out of all the things Jeonghan had in his mind, pressing the passcode Jeonghan had remembered from his previous visit was the most decent one.

Seungcheol should be proud of him that he is not climbing some walls or breaking down his door, or worst, taking a speaker and screaming his name out loud while standing in front of his apartment just to ruin his as well as his neighbour's pretty beautiful Sunday.

Yes, Seungcheol should be proud of him that he did none of that and was just roaming around his apartment, without his permission, and looking through things that were there to look.

Seungcheol's apartment was an epitome of being called as... empty.

There was nothing to look at to be honest, an evident proof that Seungcheol either didn't bother to decorate the place because he felt lazy, or because he just come here to sleep and spend the remaining time of his day he can't seem to spend anywhere.

It was lonely and dull if Jeonghan was being honest. No wonder Seungcheol likes to stay at his place most of the time. From the first time Seungcheol entered inside there, he can't seem to have enough of Jeonghan's room.

Now more than himself, he sees Seungcheol there in his apartment. Everytime Seungcheol gets a free time, he sneaks inside Jeonghan apartment, taking permission or not definitely depends upon his mood. Sometimes, Jeonghan finds him watching TV on his couch, holding the bag of snacks he brings for two of them, sometimes opening the fridge to check what else Jeonghan does not have in his groceries, sometimes just to hang out with Joshua and Seokmin, and sometimes, just because he fucking wants to be there.

And when Jeonghan thought Choi Seungcheol couldn't be more weird, he became weirder.

So breaking into his apartment should be nothing to Jeonghan. Seungcheol had already made his place as his own, and on account of it Jeonghan is allowed to roam into his apartment and see what comes in front of his eyes.

Except everything was so fucking strange that Jeonghan felt the curiosity beneath him subsiding. He can't imagine living here, but he sure likes Seungcheol in his apartment.

That apartment, half of it already belongs to Seungcheol now.

Jeonghan walked through the living room and ended up standing in front of Seungcheol's bedroom. A smug smile appeared on his lips the next second.

It was Seungcheol's stupidity that he left the door open, not Jeonghan's fault that the opened door invited him by itself.

As he entered inside, the soft sound of Seungcheol snoring passed in his ears, something that made Jeonghan chuckle. And there he was, Choi Seungcheol, wrapped up in his blanket, dreaming about the angels of heavens.

And Jeonghan was offended. How dare he dream about angels when the devil itself came to visit him?

Before he could start disturbing him, Jeonghan thought of looking around in the room. It was empty as well, more like same as the last time of  what Jeonghan had concluded. It's just more paperworks were scattered here and there but atleast it wasn't on floor this time. Atleast Jeonghan could walk freely without breaking his back in order to save them.

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