The Connection

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Chapter 9: The Connection

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Chapter 9: The Connection

The nurse assisted me through the quarters that I had come to learn belonged to Lord Vader himself. Unfortunately for my sense of curiosity, I was only led from the private medbay, down a hallway and into a lounge with smooth obsidian black walls and beautiful crimson red leather couches and similarly styled furniture. The room itself was very simple yet so beautifully elegant. I wanted to linger on the sight and details, maybe even take a longer look around at the other rooms but I was given no option to take in many details. It wasn't clear to me whether or not Lord Vader was anywhere within his quarters, as I could not sense his presence anywhere. Him leaving me cut off irritated me, and I was desperate to get an answer to whether or not my sister was still alive. The nurse and I made small-talk while she allowed me to lean on her for support during our slow travel to the lift, and to my own living quarters. She led me through the door and into the central workroom, allowing me to sit down before the work table upon spotting Blip's damaged remains. Upon the holo-projector Sabel and I's last project remained on display, a prototype blueprint for an upgrade to most mainline blasters that had the potential to be better than the cooling components the galaxy currently uses.

Letting out a heavy sigh of relief to finally be sitting, the walk left me feeling very exhausted. But the sighting of Blip drove me to work against my exhaustion, and the nurse's suggestion of bedrest.

"Here you are, then. Lord Vader has requested that I am to be of service to you as I am to him until your muscles are fully functional again. That is, unless he must depart from the Death Star, in that case I am to join him as his primary nurse." The smile never faded from her lips, while her words led me to become more curious about her knowledge of him.

My deep brown eyes studied the details of her face, jealous of her beauty and overall joyful personality. Her eyes were an icy blue, her perfect lashes long and full. My curiosity sparked a conversation, "What is your name? How long have you been working with Lord Vader?"

The nurse took a seat next to me, "My name is Ciera Jade. I have been of service to Lord Vader for 8 years."

Shocked that she had been working with him for so long yet still had a smile on her face amazed me. I then split my attention with her onto Blip. After a bit of time, Ciera began assisting me in fixing Blip, fetching the tools and pieces I needed to rewire and repair her damaged parts. While doing so, I explained to her who Blip was to me, to my sister. How we made her and pretty much everything I had been through upon the Death Star until now. Some information had been excluded for obvious reasons, but despite how interested and trustworthy Ciera was in my background and to me personally, I hid the spicy bits.

My thoughts on Vader were still so conflicting, I had no idea what my true feelings were.

"What is bothering you?" Ciera was concerned, having noticed my distracted silence.

I wanted to tell her the truth, to tell her every detail of how Vader was capable of drawing me into him to the point I felt as though my only salvation would be to fuck the horrible man senseless. To love him and devote my entire existence to fulfilling his every desire and command of me. But I also wanted to explain to her just how much I felt I hated him, to tell her how badly he has treated me, how he was the reason I nearly died if it weren't for...him saving my life...

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