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Chapter 3: Assessment

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Chapter 3: Assessment

Time began to draw out into hours, and by hour 3 Sabel was asleep on the bench while I sat on the floor next to it tinkering with Blip's damaged neck-hinge. The wire that had been left in her recycle drawer was repurposed into a small tool for me to use in loosening the bolts around the damaged hinge. I had to loosen the bolts, take apart the supports that made up her neck and diagnose the problem. Unfortunately, the cheap metal used to make up the hinge in her neck had suffered a fracture. Without any spare scraps of metal available to me currently, I am unable to repair her while in this holding cell.

"I'm sorry Blip. The fall resulted in a fracture, a crack in the metal that was used to make up your hinge. For now until I can find replacement parts for you, things are going to look a bit crooked for a while..." I explained to her while tightening her bolts back into place, Blip beeping and spurring as though she is entirely unbothered by the minor damage. In response to her wholesome outlook on the situation, I couldn't help but giggle at how adorable she was. Blip's metal panels that made up her external surfaces made it quite obvious that she was made of cheap scrap. Her colors were inconsistent, and she was made up of mostly dented or worn sheets of metal. Some of the metal was shiny, while other pieces were on the brink of rusting. Taking note of the BB-link's short antenna located directly in front of the standard antenna of hers in the back far right corner of her head, the link itself had been installed deep within the components that make up her inner head. If there were a chance where the antenna broke off for whatever reason, the chip itself would sustain no damage and a new antenna could easily be installed to reconnect the link.

The purpose of the Blip-Bombi link is so regardless of how far apart Sabel and I would be from one another, we could always use the droids to communicate with each other. The droids themselves are capable of recording messages, and transmitting them, if the link operates as it was invented to, anywhere in the galaxy. We have never tested the BB-link, but are quite confident in its functionality.

Blip beeped and spurred while being tightened back up, a joyful smile spread across my face while listening to her go on about being optimistic despite the circumstances we are in. Then, out of nowhere, the smile suddenly faded and my ears no longer registered the heartwarming sounds of Blip's electronic communication. Instead, my senses were gradually becoming devastated by the sensation I had only felt once before. Back in the docking bay, when I had been in the vicinity of that bizarre man. The emotions of fear, dread, anger, and a growing sense of fight-or-flight weaved and crawled its way throughout my entire being as if the sensations themselves were some kind of festering infection. Like the onset of a fever, when one would gradually begin to notice the atmosphere around them suddenly feel colder as chills create bumps along their skin. My brain began to scream at me to run. Run in any direction possible, despite the three of us being held in this room like younglings awaiting a strike from their parent. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no way to avoid the man's dreadful energy. Almost immediately, Blip folded down into herself and I snatched her off the floor and placed her onto the back of my top so she could latch back onto me. My sense of panic rose with each passing moment, feeling in the most indescribable way as the man steadily got closer. Spinning on my heel, I aggressively began to shake Sabel awake, "Sabel Sabel Sabel!"

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