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That day, beomgyu woke up did his routine, then took his keys to leave for the company. Well he usually checked his phone while eating, but that morning he was in a rush so he didn't.

Once he got out of his apartment, a ton of fans, journalists and paparazzi were in front of him asking him a brunch of questions, insulting him and what not.

Saying that he was shocked was an understatement, in the middle of the chaos the only thing he picked up "mistreated, Daniel, manager".

That's then it clicked, Daniel's fans finally found him. He knew that those people were scary and that they would find him some day, but he was still shocked.

He instantly suspected that Daniel leaked his informations, so he ran back to his apartment then called the driver to pick him up because it was a serious matter.

Once he got to the agency, he quickly went to the ceo to let him know what was going on, and that he had a plan that would teach Daniel a lesson and guarantee his security. Seokjin agreed then beomgyu left to Daniel's apartment.

Once he got there, he knocked on the door several times, but no one replied. he asked the guard if daniel left, but he said that he didn't. That's when beomgyu started to panick.

He went to the reception, got the double of the key to Daniel's apartment then opened the door. He found Daniel lying on his bed, looking as pale as a ghost. his body was cold. Too cold.

That's when he realized that he was in hypothermia. Beomgyu never felt such fear in his life, even when all those people were surrounding him this morning. He was just annoyed and overwhelmed, but this is different.

He calmed himself down first, then looked for blankets to cover daniel. He sure looked better after that but still was unconscious. So beomgyu got some hot water and a towel to try to heat up his hands and his face.

He then called Seokjin to inform him of what was going on, and that they needed a doctor right now.

Ten minutes later, the doctor came in and examined Daniel. Then he said "Well as you said, he was in hypothermia. He sure is doing better but he still can go down and his breathing is still weak."

Beomgyu felt his stomach twisting, he took a deep breath then said "Well what should I do doctor?" The doctor sighed then said "The best you can do is to keep his temperature up, and the most efficient way to do it is by heating him up with your body heat. To put it simply, by hugging him until he gain consciousness."

The doctor took his bag then turned to beomgyu again "His lungs are weak, so as his manager make sure that he is always warm because it's really cold out of here and you should always keep an eye on him."

Beomgyu couldn't even speak, so he just nodded, then went to see the doctor out. When he came back, he took another look at Daniel then felt something break inside him at the sight of how weak he looked.

So he sighed for the nth time that day, got under the blankets then hugged daniel. it sure felt weird, but he stayed like that because as a manager he is responsible of his artist.

At some point, beomgyu fell asleep and when he wake up daniel was still sleeping, but he looked better than yesterday and his temperature was quite stable.

Beomgyu sighed from relieve then tried to get up to make some soup for yeonjun, but the older pulled him down then said "Stay a bit beomgyu I'm still cold. I still hate you but yeah, thank you for saving my ass, I owe you one."

Beomgyu's jaw literally dropped, he could do anything but nod. Sick and drunk daniel were his favorite, because why was he so honest and cute, that was so unlike him.

They stayed like that for two hours with beomgyu mindlessly playing with daniel's hair then tried to get up again and finally succeeded.

He quickly called Seokjin to let him know that Daniel was doing better and that he won't be able to go to work. Then quickly made some soup for daniel to eat once he woke up.

He went back to the room, to see daniel sitting on the bed, with a blank expression on his face. Once the older noticed his presence he saw a flash of relief and confusion on his face.

"Why are you still here?" Daniel said, with a trembling voice. "You are clearly sick so of course I will stay with you."

"Why are you still kind to me, even though we hate each other?" Beomgyu tilted his head then furrowed his eyebrows "Well that's because it is basic human decency to help people that need it."

"I still hate you, you know. You are the first person that called me out on my shit, and you have guts so you earned my respect. I am not calling a truce but since you earned my respect you can call me by my name. Yeonjun, it's yeonjun hyung for you of course."

Beomgyu smiled then said "And who said I'll call you hyung huh yeonjun?" Yeonjun rolled his eyes then said "Oh shut up brat, I can't wait for you to get out of my apartment."

Beomgyu laughed then said "Guess what, I'm not leaving anytime soon because your fans found me and for security and health matters, I have to stay with you. SURPRISE!"

Yeonjun's face literally dropped, he then laughed then said "If it's true then welcome in hell bro, congratulations on getting vip tickets to the ride through it."

Beomgyu smirked then said "We are in this together, so congratulations too." Yeonjun rolled his eyes then said "You're enjoying this too much, I'm starting to think that you really have a crush on me."

Beomgyu blushed then said "You wish dude, I'll heat up the soup for you to eat." Then he left the room and speed walked towards the kitchen.

Then yeonjun came out of his room, went to the bathroom to freshen up then came to the kitchen where beomgyu was waiting for him.

They sat there together in silence, until beomgyu had enough then told him what happened that morning and all the reasons why he had to stay with him.

Yeonjun just hummed then kept on eating, once they were done he washed their dishes and went back to his room.

That's when beomgyu finally thought that yeonjun was not that bad. Well was he???


hello blossoms, how are you guys? I hope that y'all are doing great. well I finally updated, I told y'all that I wouldn't take too long to update again. how was it??

please don't forget to comment and vote, love you my blossoms and see you guys next update❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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