PROLOGUE + entry

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May 21st, 2019:

"Walker, wait up!" Gwendolyn shouted trying to catch up to her friend. "No!" Walker replied. "Just run faster!" The boy continued to sprint across the field before stopping at the playground and climbing onto the monkey bars.

"You know I have asthma, Dingus." Gwendolyn said as she finally met him on the playground, doubling over to catch her breathe.

"Dingus?!" Walker exclaimed. " that's a new one."

Gwendolyn sat on one of the swings and gently started to rock back and forth. "Well, put it in the books then, Dingus." A smirk ran across the young girl's face as she spoke.

"Please don't let that stick." The boy pleaded.

"No can do, Dingus."







"Walker!" Heather exclaimed from across the field. "It's time to go."

The children looked at woman standing at the gates of the school before looking back at each other. "So, this is it, Huh?" Gwendolyn spoke softly.

"Yeah, I guess it is." Walker said jumping off the monkey bars. "But my mom said we'll visit once a year if we can." 

Gwendolyn could tell that Walker was desperately trying to lift the mood, but she could still barley manage a smile. She didn't want this to be the last time she saw him. Gwendolyn had always had a hard time letting people go so today was especially difficult for her. Not only was it the last day of school but also the last day her and Walker would live in the same town.

"Is there a lot of beaches where you're moving?" Gwendolyn asked. going to the beach together was their favorite thing to do so if she couldn't go with him maybe knowing they could be doing the same thing, same time but just at different places could bring her some piece of mind.

"I think." Walker replied. "But we're visiting LA before we go to Pennsylvania so I could go to the beaches there."

"LA?"  Gwendolyn asked. "Wow, let me know if you meet any famous people. Like the avengers!"

Before Walker could reply, his older sister Leena ran up and started him pull on his arm.

"Kathleen, let me go!" Walker screeched immediately.

"Mom, said its time to go!" Leena informed the boy.

"Let me say bye." Walker insisted

"Fine." Leena agreed. "You have five minutes." 

Once the older girl walked away Walker turned to his best friend. "Bye, I'm going to miss you." Walker said as he hugged the girl.

"Don't, well see each other all the time!"

"Yeah. See you later, Gwenny."

"See you later, Dingus."

June 7th, 2023:

Gwendolyn laid in her bed next to her younger sister, Sadie as she scrolled through TikTok. She'd been watching it peacefully when a certain edit came to her for you page. It was an edit of Walker Scobell; it was to the sound Baby by me and showed various clips of Walker in his new role of Percy Jackson tv. 

She had weird feeling every time an edit of him was shown. 

The way all the girls at her school obsessed over him and suddenly became interested in Percy Jackson the moment the casting as released. The way people were making edit with only having a trailer of the show.  The way the boy she once knew everything about was now more of an idea. It all felt so strange 

Sadie peeked over to see her sister's phone and immediately started to giggle. "I still can't believe you knew The Walker Scobell."

"You knew him too, Sadie." Gwendolyn said. "And besides, we don't anymore so let's just forget about it."

"Thats the crazy part!" Sadie exclaimed. "He's been in my house! MINE! and my sister doesn't make that her entire personality? I always talk about Tanner at school"

"I don't want to talk about him. And besides you talk about Tanner because you have a crush on him." Gwen said hoping her sister would get embarrassed, drop it and change the topic.

"Why?" Sadie said, "Because you miss him too much?" The girl immediately gasped and started to jump on the bed. "FORRBIDEN ROMANCE OH MY DAYS" 

"Shut up, Sadie." Gwen said. "You watch to many movies. I don't really miss him. It... it's just weird to watch your childhood best friend randomly become famous."

"Imagine how he feels then." Sadie said, finally sitting back down and resuming her previous  

Sadie didn't put too much thought into what she said, but Gwen did.

This entire time she had been thinking so selfishly, she'd thought about how she missed him, how she wished he reached out, how his fame affected her.

But what about him? how did he feel about her all these years later?

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