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After a month a new Chapter sounds right to me...

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Theodore was twelve now, and he was a Hogwarts student. He was in Slytherin, which wasn't surprising to him. In fact, he had begged the Sorting Hat to put him in Slytherin because his father would not have reacted well if he hadn't. He had made that very clear to Theodore. The Sorting Hat had been torn between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. It told Theodore that he would make an excellent Ravenclaw because he was smart, which Theodore didn't believe. Mr. Grahams always told him how stupid he was.

A month after his mother's death, his father started abusing Theodore. He started hitting Theodore. Theodore began to feel nothing. Being alive didn't seem worth it at all. Maybe that was why he took the drugs that his dorm mate, Mattheo, sold him. Theodore could tell that Mattheo was going through something similar, maybe even worse. He couldn't be sure, as Mattheo never talked about his home life, much like Theodore. The other dorm mate, Draco, loved talking about how perfect his family was and how much he wanted to be just like his father. Whenever Draco started talking about his father, Theodore felt like throwing up. He didn't want to be anything like his father, the man who had killed his wife while his child was watching. Every night, Theodore dreamed of it. He started sneaking out every night just to smoke because sleeping was too exhausting. He always dreamed of his mom, alive and healthy, and then his dad killing her. He smoked the stuff he got from Mattheo; he didn't care what it was as long as it made him stop thinking about his mom. Sometimes he would meet Mattheo, and they would smoke together. Theodore became addicted to whatever Mattheo gave him. He physically couldn't survive the nights without it. He would shake and sometimes couldn't breathe. People said Mattheo and Theodore were friends, but neither of them believed that. Friends? Friends were for losers. Who needed friends? That was what they had been taught from a young age, so they just believed it.

And then there was Draco. Both Mattheo and Theodore couldn't stand him. He was annoying, arrogant, and talked too much about his great father. Draco noticed immediately that neither of the boys was interested in being friends with him. Draco hated the people at Hogwarts. Harry Potter had declined his friendship offer in front of everyone, and his two dorm mates hated him for no reason.

Christmas time was the worst for Theodore. Everything reminded him of the day his mom was killed, the decorations, the smells, and especially the happiness. Everyone was excited to go back home and get presents. Fortunately, Theodore never had to go home during Christmas break; his father demanded that he stayed at Hogwarts and studied to get perfect grades. Theodore's father always made sure he was really studying. Theodore wasn't sure how, but his father always knew if he hadn't been in the library for a day. Over Christmas break, both his roommates went home. Draco left with a big smile and happiness in his eyes, and Mattheo without showing any emotions. Since Mattheo went home, Theodore had to buy his stuff before Mattheo left. The good thing about Mattheo was that he never questioned it and didn't care why Theodore needed so much of it for the Christmas break.

There was one thing the three boys had in common: their hatred for certain people and their tendency to get into fights with classmates. Draco hated every Gryffindor, especially Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Theodore hated everyone who made stupid "your mom" jokes and anyone who was too happy about their family. Mattheo? Well, Mattheo just hated everyone. Draco and Theodore got into fights sometimes, but Mattheo fought on a daily basis, and everyone was surprised he was still allowed at Hogwarts. There was something special about Mattheo; everyone knew that, but nobody knew exactly what. Every teacher always had respect for that boy.

Theodore sometimes wondered about it but never asked Mattheo. One day, while they were smoking on the astronomy tower, Mattheo started speaking. "I know you wonder sometimes what's going on with me. I'll tell you, Theodore. My father is Voldemort," he said randomly. Theodore was overwhelmed and unsure of what to say. "You don't need to say anything," Mattheo told him. "I just wanted you to know because you're the person who understands me the most." Theodore nodded silently. After a few minutes of silence, Theodore decided to tell Mattheo his story. "My father killed my mother at Christmas," he said. Mattheo nodded, and after that, they just sat there in silence.

After that night, they grew closer. Sharing something you've told no one else makes a friendship stronger. After that night, they slowly transitioned from being called friends to actually being friends. Their friendship involved sitting in silence together, not talking. They knew each other well enough to know they both preferred just sitting there in silence. Some people need friendships where they can talk a lot, but Mattheo and Theodore needed a friendship where they could just sit together in silence.

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I hope you guys liked the chapter with ur special guest Mattheo. He definitely will be more in the next parts too!
Would be happy about feedback and don't forget to vote💕.


Theodore Nott the BackstoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant